
Snow Falling on Cedars

  • 12,000 BCE

    Native Americans of Puget Sound

    Native Americans of Puget Sound
    "Archaeologists believe that the ancestors of today's Native Americans came to Puget Sound from 12,000 years ago"(www.historylink.org).
    "Its members were murdered immediately upon setting foot on the beach by a party of Nootka slave raiders" (Guterson 5).
    This quote describes a bloody scenery of Europeans murdering Puget Sound natives. Photo by George N. Moore, Courtesy MOHAI (SHS1679)
  • European Settlers of Puget Sound

    European Settlers of Puget Sound
    "Vancouver arrived in 1792 and named the inland sea for his second lieutenant, Peter Puget"(Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc)
    " San Piedro was an island of five thousand damp souls, named by lost Spaniards who moored offshore in the year 1603"(Guterson 5)
    This quote indicates the earliest Europeans who discovered Puget Sound is Spanish.
    Photo by George Vancouver
  • Alien Land Laws

    Alien Land Laws
    "Alien land laws limit the presence and permanence of Japanese immigrants by forbidding "aliens ineligible for citizenship" from purchasing land and property"(encyclopedia.densho.org).
    "You're the man of the house, you wear the pants, go ahead and sell our property to a Jap and see what comes of it."(Guterson 121).
    This quote shows that people didn't will sell land to the Japanese. It also highlights that society is injustice at that point.
    Photo by Estelle McGee
  • Military recruitment and propaganda during World War II

    Military recruitment and propaganda during World War II
    "Once U.S. troops were sent to the front lines, hundreds of artists were put to work to create posters that would rally support on the home front“(www.history.com).
    “They'd been paid little, the hours were long, they'd been told it was their duty to work hard”(Guterson 163).
    This quote represents the propaganda during the war. It is a duty to serve the country.
    Photo by Herman Preston
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    "Pearl Harbor is a U.S. naval base near Honolulu, Hawaii, that was the scene of a devastating surprise attack by Japanese forces on December 7, 1941"( www.history.com).
    "There is nothing else on the radio. Everything is Pearl Harbor"(Guterson 177).
    This quote reflects Peral Harbor shocks and astonishes everybody.
    Photo by Frederick Britt
  • Japanese American Internment

    Japanese American Internment
    "Japanese internment camps were established during World War II by President Franklin Roosevelt through his Executive Order 9066"(www.history.com).
    "Early on the morning of March 29, 1942, fifteen transports of the U.S. War Relocation Authority took all of San Piedro's Japanese Americans to the ferry terminal in Amity Harbor"(Guterson 79)
    All Japanese in San Piedro is forced to move to internment camps during the war.
    Photo by Martin Garner
  • Battle of Tarawa

    Battle of Tarawa
    "In the Battle of Tarawa, the U.S. began its Central Pacific Campaign against Japan by seizing the heavily fortified, Japanese-held island Tarawa Atoll"(www.history.com).
    “...frigates, destroyers, light and heavy cruisers, half a dozen battleships-all headed for an unknown destination”(Guterson 235)
    The Battle of Tarawa at first is top secret.
    Photo by Bruce Thornton
  • Dear John Letter

    Dear John Letter
    "A 'Dear John' letter is a letter that a woman writes to either her husband or her boyfriend when she wants to tell him that she wants to end their relationship. Most of the time, there is another man involved"(History Movies Music, 29 June 2019, 1940s.org).
    "Tell him the truth about things. Put all of this into your history"(Guterson 231).
    Hatsue's mother asks Hatsue to write a letter to Ishmael to tell him that Hatsue has loved another guy.
    Photo by Edwin Mayer
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    "The Battle of Okinawa was the last major battle of World War II, and one of the bloodiest"(www.History.com).
    “Carl, Art recalled, had served as a gunner on the U.S.S canton, which went down during the invasion of Okinawa” (Guterson 15)
    It points out Carl is a veteran.
    Photo by Glenn Henderson
  • Pearl Harbor Memorial

    Pearl Harbor Memorial
    "The Pearl Harbor area was designated a national historic landmark in 1964 for its strategic importance related to the United States' annexation of Hawai'i, and for the December 7, 1941, Japanese attack during World War II"(www.nps.gov).
    "They listened for ten minutes without moving,their heads down, their ears turned toward the radio"(Guterson 177)
    Japanese in San Piedro doesn't believe that Japan attacks America.
    Photo by Jonathan Webster