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  • Initial Launch Date

    Snapchat was up and running but not on phones because some kinks were still being worked out.
  • Official Release Date

    Snapchat was officially launched to IOS users only. One of the creators was the first to make a Snapchat username under "Pickaboo"
  • Popular Apps

    Popular Apps
    A month later in the following year Snapchat was named one of the Top 3 Apps used by teenagers! The other two apps were Instagram and the game Angrybirds
  • Hello Android!!!

    Hello Android!!!
    Android users are now able to go into the google store and download the Snapchat app. Which is better Apple Iphone or Andriods?
  • Broadening the App

    Snapchat users now had an option to send a pictures or short video messages.
  • Snapchat User Update

    Snap officially reaches 100 million active users. Which averages out to 400 million snaps a day and 2 million videos per day.
  • Emojis? No Bitstrips

    Emojis? No Bitstrips
    Snapchat acquires the bitstrip company. Now Snapchat users can not only use emojis but create characters that look similar to them and add them to their snaps.
  • Competition

    Instagram wants competition! So they give users the option to post snapchat videos But for even longer. Snapchat videos are 10 seconds while Instagram videos are 60 seconds ... WOW