Slaves arive in america
There was many African America people that would be traded to the south and would be treated with disrepect or they would come from africa and t hen work here in the US. -
slave trade abolished
On Mar 2, 1802 million africans had been shipped across te Atlantic Ocean to the Americans, and more than one millon of these individuals had died from mistreatment during the voyage. In addition, and unknown number of Africans died in slave wars and forced marches directly resulting from the Western Hemishpere's demand for African Slaves -
Missouri Compromise
Was an effort by Congress to defues the sectional and political rivalries triggered by the requesrt of Missouri late 1819 for admission as a state in which slavery would be permitted. -
Wilmot promiso
The Wilmost Proviso was designed to eliminate slavery within the land acquired as a result of the Mexican War. Soon agter the wart began president James K. Polk sought the appropriation of $2 million as part of a bill to negotiate the trems of a treaty. -
The Compermise of 1850
This was something that had to do with bills that had been packeged and then sent to the U.S. but the, congrouss did not like this whole thing so in September they had decided to make a 4 year policical plan that would make it fair for everyone. -
Fugititve Slave Act
The Fugititve Slave Act was passed by the United States Congress on September 18, 1850, as part of the compromise of 1850 vetween Southern slave- holding interests and Northern Free-Soliers. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom's cabin, changed forver how americans viewed slavery, the systems that treated people as property. It demanded that the Unitde States deliver on the promise of freedom and equality, glavanized the abolition movement and contributed to the outbreak of the Civil War. -
Kansas- Nebraska Act
This Act was passed by the U.S. Congress on May 30, 1854 It allowed people in the territories of Kansas and Newbraska to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery within their boarders. -
John Browns raid on Hapers Ferry
John brown was a man that would raid people well he did raid someone and the someone was Haper's ferry and what he did was told them that backs were not allowed and so he did what he had to do and that was that was nobody had ever did a thing about because they were scared he would come and raid them. -
scott vs stanford court case
In 1846 a slave named Dred Scott and his wife, Harriet, sued for their freedom in a St. Louis city court. Well later then on March 6, 1857, Cheif Justice Roger B. Taney read the majority opion of the Court, Whichc stated that slaves were not citizens of the United States and, therfore, could not ecep any protection from the Federal Government or the courts. -
Bleeding Kansas
Bloody Kanas or the Border War was a series of violent political confrontations in the United States invloing anti-slavery "Free-Staters" and pro-slavery.