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The Underground Railroad
The Underground Railroad was a system of paths and trails that was used by slaves to escape North to Canada. The Underground Railroad used terms that are used in an actual railroad, religious, and even some other phrases that didn't sound to suspicious. The Underground Railroad doesn't have a start date but, March 20th is the beginning of Spring and December 6th, 1865 was when the13th Amendment was passed, so these dates just felt appropriate. -
MIssouri Compromise
The MIssouri Compomise took place on March 3, 1820. Both sides agreed to MIssouri becoming a slave state, no slavery north of the 36'30 line, Maine admitted as a free state, -
Nat Turner's Rebellion
Nat Turner's Rebellion was a slave rebellion that took place in Southampton County, Virginia on August 22, 1831. Nat Turner led 70 slaves in an uprising killing about 57 whites including woman and children. -
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Harriet Beecher Stowe
Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote the book Uncle Tom's Cabin which was released in a "The National Era" from June 5th, 1851 to April 1st, 1852. Uncle Tom's Cabin was deemed the book that started the Civil War. It was so popular it sold up to 1.5 million copies in the first year and was even banned in the southern states. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act (Part 3)
...rushed into Kansas and Nebraska. Both supporters living side by side was never a good sign and in the spring of 1856 the first act of violence was created and this erupted into a 'Mini-Civil War' known as Bleeding Kansas. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act (Part1)
On May 20, 1854 the Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed by Congress. The Kansas-Nebraska Act stated that the people in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska could vote rather to be a slave or a free state. The Kansas-Nebraska Act was made in January 1854 by Stephen Douglas. Douglas was going to run for president and also wanted to help Chicago develop, so he had to think of a way to get the southerners to vote for him, because he couldn't win without their votes and... -
Kansas-Nebraska Act (Part 2)
He also needed a way to get Kansas and Nebraska to because states quicker so that a railroad could be made going South from Chicago to Kansas and Nebraska. So he thought of a way to take out two birds with one stone and thus the Kansas-Nebraska Act was created. It was suppose to help Douglas because Kansas and Nebraska had bad soil so they were suppose to become free states and it was suppose to help Chicago develop, but once the act was passed proslavery and antislavery supporters... -
Fort Sumter
On April 12, 1861 the Confederate Troops attacked Fort Sumter. After South Carolina seceded from the Union Lincoln tried to send supplies to Fort Sumter. The president of the Confederacy didn't want the supplies to reach the fort, so he sent -
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The Underground Railroad
The Underground Railroad is a system of paths and trails that were used to get slaves from "The Upper South" and "The Deep South" up to Canada. The slaves and abolitionists used secret terms/codes that were used on actual railroads.