Slavery and States Rights

  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Allowed Kansas and Nebraska to vote whether they wanted slaves or not.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott  Decision
    Dred Scott wanted to sue owner into freedom and was dennied some people were touched becasue he wouldnt be set free.
  • Secession Convention of 1861

    Secession Convention of 1861
    Texas seceded to the confederacy.
  • Texas Secedes

    Texas Secedes
    Texas officialy secedes to the confederacy.
  • Lincon Comes to Washinton

    Lincon Comes to Washinton
    Lincon avoids assainastion by coming to Washington
  • Union Refuses to Surrender

    Union Refuses to Surrender
    Texas militia attacks Union trying to get them to surrender but they refuse.