conflicts during the civil war

  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    Battle of Fort Sumter
    the battle of fort Sumter was the start of the civil war. it started with the siege of the fort and ultimately ended with the surrender of it.
  • the Battle of Manassas

    the Battle of Manassas
    this was the first battle of the civil war. it was fought so close to Washington that the senators could see it.
  • shiloh

    this was a two day battle in which the confederates lost due to them not being able to hold the union forces away from the Mississippi river valley.
  • The Battle of Antietam

    The Battle of Antietam
    at the end of this battle the north Virginia launched its first invasion into northern territory. this battle ended with Abraham Lincoln making the preliminary proclamation.
  • draft riots of 1863

    draft riots of 1863
    the draft riot was a very violent and destructive riot that started in New York in 1863. because residents and immigrants didn't want to go to the army. some were fine with going and fighting for their country but the majority of them did not want to fight.
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    a battle that took place at the same time as the battle of Gettysburg and was a major siege in the west. it was considered a huge turning point in the war because after the capturing of Vicksburg it split the confederacy in half.
  • The battle of Gettysburg

    The battle of Gettysburg
    The battle of Gettysburg took plays July 1-3 1863. this battle had the most casualties of the whole civil war which was around 51,000.
  • March to sea

    March to sea
    Sherman and his troops pushed 285 miles through Georgia destroying anything that would make the Souths economy struggle, like transportation, fields, and buildings. the March only ended when confederate general Joseph Johnson surrendered
  • Appomattox Courthouse

    Appomattox Courthouse
    this was the final battle between the forces of general Ulysses Grant and General Robert E Lee was the battle of appomattox court house. this is when Robert E Lee surrendered to Grant.
  • The skirmish at Palmito Ranch

    The skirmish at Palmito Ranch
    the skirmish at Palmito Ranch was the final battle in the civil war. it was estimated that 1000 soldiers fought in this batter. it ended with the rebels fending off the union.