
  • The Electione of Abraham Lincoln

    The Electione of Abraham Lincoln
    This was commonly veiwed as the beginnning of a chain of events that led up to the Civil War.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation
    President Lincoln issued this document as the nation approched it's third year of the Civil War. The proclamation stated that "all persons held as slaves are, and henceforwad shall be free". It did not free all slaves though, only those in states not under Union control.
  • The 13th, 14th and 15th amendments

    The 13th, 14th and 15th amendments
    The 13th admendent officially abolished slavery, the 14th amendment intended to protect the rights of former slaves, and the 15th amendmet banned racial restriction on voting.
  • Succession

    With the assasination of Lincoln, the presidency fell upon his vice president, Andrew Johnson.
  • The Formation of the KKK

    The Formation of the KKK
    Originally founded in Pulenski, Tennessee as a social club for former Confederate soldiers, but evolved into a terrorist organization. It was responsible for thousands of deaths, and weakened the political power of Southern blacks and Republicans.
  • The Jim Crow Laws

    The Jim Crow Laws
    Laws that disrminated against African-Americans by not letting them attend pubic schools, use public facilities such as restraunts, theaters, hotels, and public baths. Trains and buses were also segregated. They continued on until the mid 1960s.
  • The Election of 1876

    The Election of 1876
    It was one of the most disputed and controversal presidential elections in American history. Samual J. Tilden outpolled Rutherford B. Hayes with 20 uncounted votes These twenty votes were in dispute in four states; Louisianna, Florida, South Carolina, and Oregon. In the End Hayes ultimately won the election.
  • Civil Rights Causes 1883

    Civil Rights Causes 1883
    A group of five simular cases consolidated into one for the United States Supreme Court to review. All involed African-Americans who sued businesses for excluding them from "white only" facilities.