slavery in the USA

By p-a
  • 1492

    discovery of the USA by Christophe colombe

    discovery of the USA by Christophe colombe
  • Period: to

    Slavery in America

  • Period: to

    A phenomenal increase in the slave trade, all Africans kidnapped.

  • anti slave first law in Massachusetts

    anti slave first law in Massachusetts
  • The kidnapping of black People is prohibit

    The kidnapping of black People is prohibit
    Unit staist judges blacs slave trade and Kidnaping lide piracy act !
    but they didn't abolish the slavery
  • The USA judges black slave trade and African kadnapping like picary act !

    The USA judges black slave trade and African kadnapping like picary act !
  • Abolition of the slavery in the north America

    Abolition of the slavery in the north America
  • Black law

    Adoption of the "Black Law" in Connecticut: it prohibits the teaching of blacks, but above all, it stipulates that a slave who managed to flee the South to live in the North of the United States must be given to his masters if he is captured. Anyone who receives a runaway slave is liable to prison.
  • Period: to

    Legal battle between states

    Legal battle between states to abolish or restore slavery.
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    American Civil War

  • Fin de la guerre civile américaine, remportée par le Nord. L'esclavage est aboli aux États-Unis..

  • Martin Luther King

    the first Nobel Peace Prize
  • First black président

    First black président
    The first black president is Obama