slavery in america

  • The begining

    The White Lion ship brought 20 African slaves ashore in the British colony of Jamestown in Virginia
  • Period: to

    in the whole 18th century

    6 to 7 million enslaved people were imported into the New World
    They worked mainly on the tabacco, rice and indigo
  • Period: to

    abolition of slavery

    All the northern states abolished slavery
    but it was vital to the South
  • Slave rebellions

    led by Gabriel Prosser in Richmond
  • the U.S. congress

    The U.S. congress outlawed the african slave trase
  • Slave rebellions

    led by Denmark Vesey in Charleston
  • Slave rebellions

    led by Nat Turner in Southampton County in Virginia
    this revolt was the most terrified white slaveholders
  • the end of slavery

    On September 22, 1862 Abraham Lincoln issued a preliminary emancipation proclamation, and made it official
  • Civil war's end

    186,000 black soldiers would join the Union Army, and 38,000 lost their lives
  • 13th Amendment

    It officially abolished slavery, but freed blacks' status in the post-war South
  • Ku Klux Klan (KKK)

    racist organisations triumphed in the South
  • Civil Rights Movement

    achieved the greatest political and social gains for blacks