SlaugtherHouse 5

By JoelsM
  • Period: to

    SlaughterHouse 5

  • The 19th Amendment is signed

    In 1920, the 19th Amendment was signed,allowed women to vote
  • Billy's Birth

    Born in April 12th, he was the only child of a barber
  • The death of President Harding

    President Harding dies of a heart attack and is replaced by Calvin Coolige
  • Disney's first animation featuring Mickey Mouse

    Steamboat Willie is made, using the classic figure Mickey Mouse.
  • Billy is drafted to join the army

    In early 1944, Billy is drafted into the army to fight in World War II.
  • The death of Billy's father

    Billy's father dies in a hunting accident during the war in mid 1944
  • Smokey Bear is created

    August 6th is the day that the USDA service cancelled that a bear named Smokey would be a symbol that represents the prevention of forest fires
  • Billy's first experience getting unstuck in time

    Billy's first time experiencing time travel, he hasn't met the Tralfas yet, unaware of what is happening.
  • Peanuts is made by Charles Schulz

    Peanuts is made, featuring famous character Charlie Brown. Made in October 2nd, 1950
  • Billy's Marriage

    In late 1951 Billy marries his wife Valencia and has two kids with her, Robert and Barbara
  • Dwight Howard's inauguration

    President Dwight Howard is inaugurated in 1953
  • Billy is elected president of club

    Early in 1957 Billy is elected president of the the local Lions club in Illium New York.
  • Billy attends banquet of honro

    In mid 1958, Billy attends banquet of honor for the Little League which his son, Robert, is in
  • Billy attends a New Years Eve party

    Billy,drunk, cheats on his wife on New Years Eve or late 1961.
  • Marilyn Monroe's death

    Monroe dies of drug overdose or barbiturate poisoning at the age of 36
  • Billy returns to Dresden

    In early-mid 1967 Billy returns to Dresden with Bernard O'Hare
  • Barbara marriage and Billy's first Tralfamadorian encounter

    In mid 1967 Barbara, Billy's daughter gets married with another optometrist
  • Billy gets into a plane crash

    Billy is the only survivor of a plane crash. The plane was heading to Montreal for an optometry conference in early 1968
  • Vietnam War ends

    The end of 20 year war, ending with about 60,000 American deaths
  • The day of Billy's death

    Billy is assassinated by Paul Lazzaro, who killed Billy to avenge Roland Weary.