Slaughterhouse Five Timeline

  • Billys first time travel

    Billys first time travel
    Billy was drafted into the army while at optometry school.
  • Billy lost behind enemy lines

    Billy lost behind enemy lines
    He meets Weary and two scouts, Him and Weary were captured by 5 Germans and a police dog.
  • Weary's Death

    Weary's Death
    Weary died and Billy is blamed for his death, and Lazarro promises revenge.
  • Slaughterhouse Five

    Slaughterhouse Five
    Billy is sent to Slaughterhouse Five in Dresden.
  • Billy is discharged from army

    Billy is discharged from army
    He is sent back home and finishes his optometry degree
  • Billy commits himself into mental hospital

    Billy commits himself into mental hospital
    He meets Elliot Rosewater, and he introduces Billy to Kilgore Trout's writings. Billy leaves the mental ward and marries Valencia and has two children.
  • Billy is kidnapped

    Billy is kidnapped
    Billy is taken by a flying saucer from Tralfamadore. Billy was displayed at a zoo while there.
  • PLane crash

    PLane crash
    Billy is in a plane crash and everyone dies on board except for Billy himself
  • Valencia dies

    Valencia dies
    Billy's wife dies due to carbon monoxide poisoning from a car while rushing to the hospital to see Billy
  • Billy dies

    Billy dies
    Billy will die and will always die on this date. He will be shot during a speech with laser gun.