Period: to
In the hospital
All slateds must spend atleast 6 months in the hospital. In the hospital they learn the basics of life, because they don't have much knowledge. Kyla however spent a longer time than average in the hospital due to her nightmares -
Period: to
Begin School and Group
After about 1-2 weeks of Kyla being with her new family it is time for her to begin going to school and group. Group is for all the slateds to make sure they are doing and adjusting well. At school Kyla has Ms. Ali who follows her around and watches her evey mive abd helps her if she gets lost or doesn't know something. -
New Family
Kyla has spent enough time in the hospital. Kyla is going to meet her new family and go home with them. Kyla's new family consists of her new father, mother, sister, and cat. Kylas going to the real world now. -
Ben and Tori
At group Kyla meets Ben and Tori. She becomes close to them fast. Kyla believes Ben and Tori are dating. Kyla likes Ben anyways. She is a bit suspicous of Tori. But she likes them anyways. They all became really good friends. -
Gone Missing
Kyla and Ben worry when Tori goes missing. Shortly after Kyla's art teacher, Mr. Gianelli goes missing as well. Not long after, other slateds along with normals went missing. -
Who Am I?
Kyla has no idea who she is, well who she used to be. She intends to find out. She goes to Mac's house. Mac has a computer and can go on missing websites. -
Kyla finds out who she was. Her name was Lucy. She catches herself having memories. She also finds herself drawing Lucy. As well as having dreams. -
Period: to
Kyla's Past
Kyla begins revealing her past. Having memories. Remembering how life was. Remembering herself. She also is trying to figure out the reason she was slated. Wants to know if her family loved her, and if they knew what happened. -
No Anger Levels
Levos are to make sure the slateds don't get angry and freak out. Well Kyla finds out how she is different from all the other slateds, like Dr. Lysander asked her. Kyla's levels don't change when she gets angry. -
No More Levo
Ben, Kylas friend, his tired of his Levo. Ben remembers when they heard something about cutting off the Levo. They both know it could result in death but Ben wants to do it anyways. Kyla really doesn't want him to do it, knowing it will hurt him.