Beginning LIfe
James Frederick Campbell was born to John Heny and Anna McCornick. At age 16 joined Port Huron National Guard. This was the start to his military career. -
Start in Military
James joined the Port Huron National Guard because he was very proud of the organization. James joined in activities preparing for army life in case of war break out. His Natinal Guard would be the first one called to join World War I. -
Scout Leader
At age 18 James became a scout leader. He helped organized a troop for his church Moody Memorial Church in Sparlingville. After he would return for war he became scout leader again. -
War Begins
Franz Ferdinand was assassinated he was shot to death by a Serbian nationalist in Savajevo. On July 28th Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Within a week Russia, Belgium, France, Great Britian, and Serbia lined up against Austria-Hungary and Germany and WWI began. -
Machine Gun
Machine guns were invented before World War I but didn't make it's big debut until now. Produced by the British with mobility in mind. The heavy duty machine required 6 men to operate. The machine gun was absolutly reliable, leaving many men on both sides dead. -
Mobile X-Ray Machine
With Millions of soldiers sufering with injuries a machine was needed to see the damage. So Marie Curie created the mobile X-Ray machine stations for the French military. In October 1914 she installed x-ray machines in cars called "radio logic car" and "little curies". -
Poison Gas
Poisious gas only caused a small number of deaths but they were pervasive and devastating. Gas was first used by Germans during the battle of Second Ypresin 1915. The success of the poisonious gas depended on the type of gas, weather, and delivery method. -
The first tank was being develope by allies in 1915. First tank didn't appear until 1916 in the Battle of Sommoe. By the end of World War I the tank killed about 30,000 people. -
Battles of 1916
Battle of Verdun begins in February between Germany and French. Over 1,220 guns open fire leaving 600,000 casualities on both sides by the end of the war. The French retook Douaumont and Vaux. -
US Enters War
President Woodrow Wilson pledged nutrality for U.S.. But, Germany sunk the William P. Fraye private American vessel.So on April 2, 1917 President Wilson declared war against Germany. On June 26th 14,000 US troops landed in France to begin training for Combat. -
Armistice ends fighting on November 11th. On the 11th month, 11th day, of the 11th hour World War I came to an end. The Great war left 9 million soldiers dead and 21 million wounded. The armisitce was signed with allies in a railroad car outside compiegne France. -
Injury of James
James served in France and Germany for World War I. James Fell while getting out of the trench and fractured two spineal vertebraes but he never left to go home. James moved positions to keep watch and do paperwork. -
Versailles Peace Treaty
A day in Paris, France most powerful people around the world meet to negotiate what offically marks the end of the war. Germany accepts sole blame for war and the Treay of Versailles is signed. This day marked 5 years after the death of Serbian nationalist was shot and killed. -
Sanitary Napkins
Before the Sanitary Napkin there was the callucotton bandage. The callucotton bandage was used during World War I to soak up blood of the wounded soldiers. A few smart nurses saw how great the disposal bandage was so in 1920 Kotex made the first dispoal pad for women. -
Ending of James
James stayed in National Guard until death did him part. Twice he was cited for Gallantary and Bravery. For spotting a German soldier climbing out of a tree from a mile away.