Austrian Anschuluss
The Austrian Anschuluss was when Hitler unified for all German speaking countries to become part of Germany. Hitlers home country Austria, was invated by troops that hitler sent over in March to announce the unification of austria and germany. -
The Munich Conference
In Czechoslovakia, hitler announced German claims, and the Czechs strongly resisted their demands. France wanted to fight Germany because they were sticking up for Czech. That's when Britain, France, Itlaly and Germany agreed to meet in Munich to decide Czechs fate. This was when Britain and France agreed to Hitlers demands, a policy that became known as "appeasment". Or in other words, they made consessions in exchange for peace. -
Hitler demands Danzig
A month after the Munich conference, Hitler demanded that Danzig returns to German control. Danzig was 90% German, but Hitler did not care because it was part of Poland since WWI. Hitler was going to invade poland because if poland went to war, that britain and france would come to its aid and this made poland refuse hitlers demands. In conclusion to this, Hitler negotiated with the USSR because if Germany was to fight Britain and France, he didnt want to fight the soviets too. -
The Nazi-Soviet Pact
Stalin had agreed to when the German Officials a treaty to the soviets. The way he saw it was if you turn the capitalist countries aginst eachother, the USSR would be better protected. If this were to wokr, Germany would go to war with Britain and France, and also keep the USSR safe. It's a win win for Germany. The Pact was signed by Germany and the USSR, and this shocked the world. WWI began and the poland army was no good. the Germans had Blitzkrieg, or tanks. Germans had defeated polands army -
The invasion of poland.
Germany invaded poland, and 2 days later britain and france declaired war with Germany, which started the begining of WWI. Polands army was no good and germany had 'Blitzkrieg' or large numbers of mass tanks. Poland couldnt repel the attack. In all, the pilish capital, Warsaw, fell to the Germans, and Germany had defeated polish Military. -
The Fall of France
The Battle of France began in 1940 and consisted of two operations. The first one was Case Yellow or Fall Gelb and is when the armored units of Germany cut off allied units which had advanced into the country of Belgium at the Ardennes. When the British and the French saw themselves pushed back by the operation, the British evacuated their BEF or British Expeditionary Force with other French divisions in Operation Dynamo. -
Battle Of Britain
The Battle of Britain is the name given to the Second World War defence of the United Kingdom by the Royal Air Force against an onslaught by the German Air Force. -
The Evacuation Of Dunkirk
The Dunkirk evacuation, code-named Operation Dynamo, also known as the Miracle of Dunkirk, was the evacuation of Allied soldiers from the beaches and harbour of Dunkirk, France.