Irene mccormack just face article

Sister Irene McCormack Timeline

  • Sister Irene McCormack is born

    Sister Irene McCormack is born
  • Irene McCormack enters the Josephites

    Irene McCormack enters the Josephites
  • Irene recieves her novice vows

  • Irene MCormack begins to teach in primary schools

  • Irene take her final vows

    Irene take her final vows
  • Irene graduatates at the Univesrsity of Western Australia

    Irene graduatates at the Univesrsity of Western Australia
  • Irene finshes teaching at schools in Western Australia

  • Irene McCormack joins a missionary in Peru

  • Irene McCormack is sent to trial

  • Sister Irene McCormack is killed

    Sister Irene McCormack is killed' >Sister Irene McCormack Video</a>