Sister Irene McCormack

  • Birth

    Sister Irene McCormack was born on the 21 August 1938 in Kununoppin.
  • Joined the Josephites

    Joined the Josephites
    In 1956, at the age of 17, Sister Irene McCormack joined the Josephites.
  • First Vows

    Sister Irene McCormack took her first vows in 1959.
  • Started Teaching

    Started Teaching
    In 1960, Sister Irene McCormack started teaching at different schools.
  • Final Vows

    Sister Irene McCormack said her last vows in 1965
  • Graduation

    In 1969, Sister Irene McCormack Graduated from the University of Western Australia.
  • Arrival in Peru

    Arrival in Peru
    When Sister Irene McCormack went to Peru.
  • Moved Work

    Sister Irene moved to work in the Andes Mountains from Lima.
  • 10 Years In Peru

    10 Years In Peru
    In April 1991, the Josephite Sisters celebrated 10 years in Peru.
  • Sister Irene's Death

    Sister Irene's Death
    When Sister Irene died.