Sister Irene was born.
Born at Kununoppin, W.A. on 21st August, 1938, daughter of Mary O'Meara
and Thomas McCormack. -
Said her final vows
Sister Irene McCormack said her last vows on the 1st of January 1957 -
First Vows
During the 1st of January 1957, Sister Irene received her first vows. -
Becomes a novice.
She was received as a Novice into the Order. -
She moved to Kalgoorlie to teach Yrs 6 & 7. -
Last Vows
Sister Irene took her final vows -
She graduated "University of W.A." with a Major in Geography. -
Becomes Principal
During 1981‐85, Sister Irene became principal of Manjimup Secondary School -
Arrived In Peru
During 8th of August 1987, Sister Irene McCormack arrived in Peru. -
Sister Irene was executed.
She was executed by a young girl, and she was the first to go.