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Sister Irene McCormack

  • Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
    St. Irene McCormack was born and raised in a small town in Western Australia
  • Period: to

    Life of Irene

  • St. Irene joins the Sisters of St. Joseph

    St. Irene joins the Sisters of St. Joseph
    At the age of 17 St. Irene joined the Sisters of St. Joseph, the Australian religious order
  • Recieving her vows as a novice

    In 1957 she received vows as a novice
  • First Vows

    In 1959 she took her first vows
  • Teaching a school in South Perth

    1960-61 she worked at a school in South Perth and taught years 5-8
  • Final Vows

    Final Vows
    In 1965 she took her final vows
  • Graduated from University

    Graduated from University
    In 1969 she graduated from the University of Western Australia
  • Teaching a school called Busselton

    In 1972 she worked at a school called Busselton and taught years 8-10
  • Principal of Kearnan College

    Tribute Video for Sister Irene
    1981- 1985 she became the Principal of Kearnan College
  • The night of her death

    The night of her death
    Tribute for Sister Irene McCormack
    She died in Peru and was executed by members of Sendero Luminoso (Shinning Path) for the "crime" of feeding the poor. It was believed that she got shot by a young girl.