Sister Irene Maccormack was born in Kununoppin, Western Austrailia
At the age of 17, Irene joined the Sisters of St Joseph
Sister Irene took her first vows
Sister Irene took her final vows
Sister Irene graduated from the University of Western Australia
Sister Irene experienced what is called a restlessness of spirit, urging her to make a move. She claims it was an irresistible beckoning speaking to her through an inner voice.
Sister Irene McCormack travelled to Peru to begin her missionary
• Sister Irene set up a library with jigsaw puzzles, games, dolls, musical instruments and books for children
Sisters of St Joseph celebrated 10 years in Peru
Sister Irene was captured by a group called the “Shining Path.” At 8pm she was ordered to face down and was executed with a single shot to the head. It was reported that her killer was a young girl
Sister Irene Video 1
Sister Irene Video 2
[Sister Irene Video 2](www.godtube.com/watch/?v=77GZWWNX)