Sister Irene

  • The Birth of Irene McCormack

    The Birth of Irene McCormack
    Irene was born in 1938 in Kununoppin, Western Australia
  • Period: to

    The Life of Sister Irene McCormack

  • Entry into Sisters of St Joseph

    At the age of 17 Sister Irene joined the Sisters of St Joseph.
  • Receiving of First vows in the Sisters of St Joseph

    Receiving of First vows in the Sisters of St Joseph
    In 1957 received her first vows in the order
  • First taken Vows by Irene

    She took her first vows in 1959
  • Period: to

    Irene's Teaching Career

    1960-61 South perth years 5-8
    1964-65 Kalgoorie years 6-7
    1967 Boulder upper primary
    1970 South Perth year 9
    1972 Busselton years 8-10
    1974 New Norcia Secondary
    1978 Mandaring upper primary
    1979 Manjimup Secondary
    1981-1985 Principal of Kearnan College
  • Irene's Final Vows

    Irene's Final Vows
    Irene said her final vows in 1965
  • The Shining path

    The Shining path
    The Shining path were terrorists who wanted to overthrow the government of Peru.
  • The Journey to the death Of Irene

    On this day Irene was taken from her home by shining path men and was taken to a public court
  • The Death of Sister Irene

    The Death of Sister Irene
    For 2 hours in the court the 4 people including Sister Irene were brutally tortured for information that sister Irene knew they called her an american but people did say that she was australian. After 2 hours Irene and 3 others were forced to lie on the ground facing the floor and each of them were shot once in the back of the head Sister Irene went first. Sister Irene was charged dilivering food and goods illegally.