Sister Irene McCormack

  • Birth of Sr Irene McCormack

    Birth of Sr Irene McCormack
    Sister Irene McCormack was born in Western Australia, on August 21, 1938. She grew up on a farm. She attended boarding school from the Sisters of St. Joseph.
  • Sisters of St. Joseph

    Sisters of St. Joseph
    On January 29, Sister Irene McCormack joined the Sisters of St. Joseph.
  • Her First Vow.

    Sr Irene McCormack, had her first vow on January 6, 1959.
  • Her Last Vow.

    Six years after her first vow, Sr Irene McCormack had her last vow in 1956. On the same date she had her first vow.
  • Sr McCormack Graduation

    In late 1969, Sr Irene McCormack graduated from the University of Western Australia.
  • She Became the Principal

    She Became the Principal
    Between 1981-1985, Sr Irene McCormack became principal of Manjimup Secondary School.
  • Missionary Work

    Missionary Work
    Her first missionary work was to Peru. Where she said she simply come to Peru to love people.
  • Leaving El Pacifico

    On this date, she left El Pacifico to serve the people Huasahuasi.
  • Huasahuasi

    Sr Irene McCormack decided to come back to Huasahuasi, even though at that time it was a dangerous place to stay, other Priests and nuns have already left.
  • Death of Sr Irene McCormack

    Death of Sr Irene McCormack
    On this day, Sr Irene was the first to be executed alongside with another five prisoners. She was forced to lie down and shot by a female soldier.