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Sister irene

Sister Irene

  • Born: Kununoppin, Western Australia.

    <a href='' Life of sister Irene
  • - Joined Sisters of Saint Joseph at the age of 17 and also started teaching.

    - Joined Sisters of Saint Joseph at the age of 17 and also started teaching.
  • Started to gain fame from her skills in tennis, golf and dancing.

  • Retired from teaching and became a Peruvian missionary worker.

    Retired from teaching and became a Peruvian missionary worker.
  • Helped the children with library facilities, homework and education better than ever before.

    Helped the children with library facilities, homework and education better than ever before.
  • left her serve in Huasahuasi because her and her companion (Sr. Dorothy Stevenson) were asked to help in emergency goods in caritas, Peru.

  • Sister Irene and the catholic priest of Huasahuasi were warned of danger from Sendero Luminoso and the communist party.

    Sister Irene and the catholic priest of Huasahuasi were warned of danger from Sendero Luminoso and the communist party.
  • Priests had fled but Sister Irene and Sister Dorothy Stevenson were still serving the scared and hungry poor. A few months later Sister. Dorothy had also left apologising to Sister. Irene.

    Priests had fled but Sister Irene and Sister Dorothy Stevenson were still serving the scared and hungry poor. A few months later Sister. Dorothy had also left apologising to Sister. Irene.
  • It had now been 12 months without a president or priest in the town except for Sister. Irene.

  • Sister Irene McCormack was invaded and kidnapped, later shot by armed communists along with other victims of the village and a few remaining priest who hadn’t fled earlier.

    <a href='' Students talking about how they have followed her footsteps