Kate Timeline

  • My Mom Graduated College 9BB

    My Mom Graduated College 9BB
    My mom graduated from the University of Vermont.
  • Parents Got Married 5BB

    Parents Got Married 5BB
    My parents got married in Maine
  • Sister Born 2BB

    Sister Born 2BB
    My older sister, Maureen, was born on December 18, 2003. She is 2 years older than me.
  • New House 1BB

    New House 1BB
    My parents bought the house that we currently live in.
  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born on April 6th 2006 into my family of; my 2 parents, and my older sister.
  • My Grandma Jeanne passed away. 1AB

    My Grandma Jeanne passed away. 1AB
    My mom's mom passed away.
  • Uncles wedding 3AB

    Uncles wedding 3AB
    I was at my uncle Pats wedding. I was a flower girl.
  • Disney 5AB

    Disney 5AB
    I went to Disney World with my whole mom's side.
  • Started Middle School

    Started Middle School
    I started 6th at ETR Middle School
  • Super Bowl Win 11AB

    Super Bowl Win 11AB
    The Eagles won the Super Bowl. I watched it with my whole family. I went to the parade.