Siskow's World War 2

By 2024047
  • Appeasement of Hitler

    Appeasement of Hitler
    After World War 1 Hitler wanted more land for Germany and Neville Chamberlain thought if you give Hitler the land he will stop his wanting. Naturally, Hitler wanted more land though and so Germany's expansion began.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    World War 1 ended with the treaty of Versailles, which left Germany in a bad place, another great Depression. The treaty had Germany lose land to many other countries that would soon feel the reign of Hitler. Hitler did not care about this treaty and broke many rules of it later on, one of them being taking back territory that wasn't Germany.
  • The Blitz of Britain

    The Blitz of Britain
    After Chamberlains big mistake of appeasing Hitler a new prime minister was elected, Winston Churchill. Britain was very weak at the time of electing Churchill and this is when Hitler decided to attack by using the Blitzkrieg tactic. The Blitzkrieg tactic was a full out bombing along with other uses of fighting like tanks and infantry.
  • Claiming of Poland

    Claiming of Poland
    Poland was one of the countries that took land from Germany and seeing as Hitler had taken the east he wanted some of the west too. Hitler used the blitzkrieg tactic on Poland too, only this time he was able to use more ground damage, like tanks and infantry. because Poland was touching Russia Joseph Stalin wanted some of the land too, so Hitler and Stalin agreed on a treaty not to go to war with each other and split Poland in half.
  • Operation Barbosa

    Operation Barbosa
    This operation was also known as the battle of Stalingrad. Hitler went against a treaty with the Soviet Union and attacked the Union only to end up losing.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    After Japan got the short end of the stick after World War I ties were cut off from the U.S. Japan retaliated by sneak attacking the U.S. and merged victorious. They killed many Americans and left bad aftermath for America.
  • Stalingrad part 2

    Stalingrad part 2
    Germany grew closer and closer to the Soviet Union and the Soviets finally decided to get back at Germany. They decided to beat Germany in the terrible climate and grab back land, including some of Poland.
  • D-Day

    The Allies stormed the beaches of Normandy and won against Germany. There were many causalities but the Allies were able to beat Germany over even coming from the water.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    One of the bloodiest wars, the Allies fought Germany for a small chunk of land, the 'Bulge' and Germany eventually lost after a good fight. Some of the worst conditions of any war ever, as it was very snowy.
  • The Battle of Okinawa

    The Battle of Okinawa
    Okinawa was the last island of Japan's before Japan itself, meaning the U.S. had to island hop one last time. The war for this island was very bloody and rough but it ended up being a point for the U.S. as they took almost 100x as many live as they had lost.
  • Hiroshima

    At the end of the war FDR is no longer president so Harry Truman proceeds to become president. Truman wants to add some long lasting blows to Japan as the U.S. was having troubles