Simone Guse's Life

  • Simone Guse's Birth

    Simone Guse's Birth
    I was born at night time. At my birth my mom and i both all most died. Then my mom had to stay in the hospital for a few more days.
  • Period: to

    Simone's timespan

  • first tooth

    first tooth
    i got my first tooth
  • Simone's first steps

    Simone's first steps
    i started to walk when i was eight monthes old.
  • Pet snake

    Pet snake
    My first pet was a ball python i got when i was three. Her name is boomer for i long time we thought she was a guy until the vet told us she is a girl.
  • my sister's birth

    my sister's birth
    my half siter was born on July 3, 2005. Her name is Magginola. Even though she is only my half sister she looks alot like me.
  • Lost first tooth

    Lost first tooth
    i lose my first two teeth on the same day.
  • First trip to Missouri

    First trip to Missouri
    i got ran over by a go cart the first time i when to Missouri.
  • First time to see my grandpa

    First time to see my grandpa
    i got to see my mom's dad for the first time in my life i have only see him twice in my life and now he has bone cancer.
  • mom's wedding

    mom's wedding
    my mom got married in missouri on the 3 of july which is also her birthday.
  • mom's turtles

    mom's turtles
    my mom got two turtles for her birthday and turtles are her favorite animal.
  • fourth cat

    fourth cat
    i got my fourth cat she is dumper cat.