Simon bolivar 3

Simon Bolivar - Aliyah March

  • Birth

    Simon Bolivar was born into a wealthy family on July,24,1783 in Caracas,Venezuela. His family owned copper,and gold mines,that is where they got most of their money.
  • Marriage

    In 1802 Simon married Marìa Teresa
  • Death of wife

    Death of wife
    In 1803 Marìa died of yellow fever.After his wife died he went back to Europe and kept company with Napoleon.
  • Resistance movement

    Resistance movement
    Bolivar joined the resistance movement in 1807
  • Resistance movement pt.2

    Resistance movement pt.2
    In 1810 the resistance movement gained independence
  • Nickname

    He gained the nickname El Liberator in 1813
  • Admirable Campain

    Admirable Campain
    In 1813 he invaded venezuela on May 14, and he started the admirable campaign. Which resulted in the formation of the Venezuelan Second Republic later that year.
  • Mr.Fantastic

    He became involved in a number of wars and eventually gained several territories.
  • Bolivia the great

    Bolivia the great
    He became the dictator of Peru, and founded Bolivia
  • Death

    Simon died on December 17 1830