Silent Dawn Saga

  • Will Turner is born

    to William "Bootstrap Bill" Turner and Margaret Turner in Glasgow, Scotland.
  • Elizabeth Swann is born

    to Weatherby Swann and an unknown female in London, England.
  • Iris Vera is born

  • Theodore Valentine (Roberts) is born

    to Bartholomew "Black Bart" Roberts and an unknown female
  • Adelaide Madeleine Turner is born

    to William "Bootstrap Bill" Turner and Margaret Turner in Glasgow, Scotland.
  • Alice becomes the crew of the Black Pearl (age 8)

  • Bartholomew "Black Bart" Roberts is killed by grapeshot

    and buried at sea, where he ended up in Davy Jones' Locker.
  • battle of Isla de Muerta

  • the marriage of Will and Elizabeth

    is interrupted by Lord Cutler Beckett
  • Jack dies

  • Alice becomes the Pirate King (age 17)

    of Fourth Brethren court
  • Henry Turner is born

  • Alice buys Silent Dawn (age 18)

    which cost her thirty million dollars
  • Period: to

    Silent Dawn 3: Thirty Million Bounty

  • Carina Smyth is born

    to Hector Barbossa and Margaret Smyth
  • 앨리스가 이리스 구해줌 (age 20)

  • Period: to

    Silent Dawn 4: Cursing Evil

  • Period: to

    Silent Dawn 5: Whispers in the Abyss

  • 사망

    by hanging
  • Period: to


  • Marriage

    with Theodore Valentine
  • Mary Lou Valentine is born

    to Theodore Valentine and Alice Turner
  • 8세 메리 납치 (age 33)

    by captain Rigelhof
  • The quest for the Fountain of Youth was underway

  • The quest for the Trident of Poseidon