Significant Technology Inventions from 2000-2010

  • Camera Phone Invented

    Camera Phone Invented
    In 2000, the J-Phone J-SH04 was released by SoftBank Mobile. It was the first phone with a built-in camera. The camera was back-facing, so to take a selfie, you'd have to stand in front of a mirror. However, this brought in the availability to send pictures over a phone to anyone with a cellphone.
  • Smartphone Invented

    Smartphone Invented
    A series of smartphones named Treo was released by Handspring. This first of it's kind, they were capable of emailing, voice calls, had a camera, and were Wi-Fi enabled. This changed the way we thought about what was possible in a phone and how we could possibly utilize it for business needs.
  • MySpace Invented

    MySpace Invented
    The first social network to go global, MySpace was launched in 2003. It was a platform where users could customize their own personal page and connect to others with similar interests. MySpace made connecting to others easier.
  • IPhone Invented

    IPhone Invented
    Under the direction of Steve Jobs (even though he was not initially a fan of the idea), the first iPhone is released. This smartphone combined a camera phone, an e-reader, MP3 player, and GPS into one device. In addition, a new technology called Apps were introduced. The iPhone has changed how we can connect and communicate by bringing social media apps into our everyday life.
  • Kindle Invented

    Kindle Invented
    Although not the first iteration of an E-Reader, Jeff Bezos headed the charge to invent the best E-reader. Invented by Amazon, it was the first E-Reader that could access the internet, access to thousands of e-books. This changed how we thought about reading and learning on the go without heavy books to carry around.