Significant technology discoveries

  • Amalys Charles Babbage

    Amalys Charles Babbage
    Charles Babbage was an English mathematician and inventor who is credited with having conceived the first automatic digital computer ever. His design served as a blue print for other complex machines and the basics concept is similar to the modern computer. In young age Babbage attended the King Edward VI Grammar school after a recovery, due to his poor health he was send back home for private school. In 1810 he studied at Trinity College in Cambridge and after graduating he become a lecturer.
  • Amalys Charles Babbage (part 2)

    Amalys Charles Babbage (part 2)
    At that time numerical tables were calculated by hand and then complied into tables. They were significant for scientists, but the calculations involved many errors. Babbage decided to design a mechanical device that could perform accurate calculations. In 1822 his first calculating Engine, powered by cranking a handle was created. Later he tried to develop it, but there were many failures. In 1949 Charles designed the difference engine No.2, one of the first mechanical computers to be invented.
  • Ada Lovelace

    Ada Lovelace
    Ada Lovelace is an English mathematician and writer. She is known for writing the world's first machine algorithm that earlier only existed on paper. When Lovelace was younger she was educated privately by tutors and she had an outstanding mathematical talent that brought her into contact with many other scientist and mathematicians. Lovelace had and long working relationship with especially Charles Babbage (father of computers). The invention was made by a women which made it more special.
  • Ada Lovelace (part 2)

    Ada Lovelace (part 2)
    1933 Lovelace was introduced to Charles Babbage. He had an idea for a calculating machine called Analytic Engine. An Italian engineer Luigi Menabrea wrote a paper on the Analytical Engine in french. Lovelace knew french and translated it while taking extra notes. The notes helped her to understand the machine even better and she created a way for the engine to calculate Bernoulli numbers in steps. She pushed the idea of the Engine's abilities beyond simple number-crunching into actual computing.
  • John Von Neumann

    John Von Neumann
    John Neumann was a Hungarian-American mathematician, physicist and computer scientist, best known for his work in the early development of computers. He studied in the Fashori Erangelicos gymnasium when he was young, he was also educated privately by the mathematician Gabor Segu. John was an excellent student and while studying in the University of Berlin he also entered Panzamony peter University in Budapest. After graduation he was the youngest person ever to start a lecture at the University.
  • John Von Neumann (part 2)

    John Von Neumann (part 2)
    As a director of the electronic computer project at Princetons Institute for he developed MANIAC (mathematical analyzer, numerical integrator and computer), which was the fastest computer at that time. Neumann demonstated that a simple structured computer could do a lot without hardware modification. His acrhitecture was based on using memory in digital computers to store both sequences of instructions and data, which was a breakthrough. His design is still used in most computers produced today.
  • Alan Turing (part 2)

    Alan Turing (part 2)
    The machine he came up with in his head could calculate anything calculable. He created the idea of a computer and all programs without any computer ever existing. During the WW2 Turing helped England to break the code generated by Enigma, Germans complicated encryption device. He designed an electromechanical machine that broked the code. In 1950s he was working on actually building the computer that operated by the rules set by Turing machine. The Turing machine- basis for the first computer.
  • Alan Turing

    Alan Turing
    Alan Turing was an English mathematician, logician and computer scientist who developed the idea for the Universal Turing Machine and the basis for the first computer in 1936. He was also a gay icon. As a kid Turing was educated in a private school and then graduated at King's College, Cambridge with a degree in mathematics. In 1936 he moved to Princeton University to study for a Ph.D in mathematical logic under Churh's direction. While he studied in college he came up with the Turing machine.
  • Douglas Engelbart

    Douglas Engelbart
    Douglas Engelbart was an American engineer, inventor and an early computer and internet pioneer. He is best known for the first computer mouse (1963-1964). In 1942 Douglas graduated from Portland's Franklin High School and went to study Electrical engineering at Oregon State University. He completed his B.S. in 1948 and received a position as an electrical engineer in (now NASA). Engelbart's team worked to raise society's "collective IQ" through computers, so he needed a quicker, finer control.
  • Douglas Engelbart (part 2)

    Douglas Engelbart (part 2)
    At that time arrow keys were too slow and clumsy. Douglas thought of a wired box, hand-sized, with perpendicular wheels that would track fine movements, point and click its way into computer history. He worked together with the designer William English and the designed block rode atop two knife-thin wheels, one running left-right and other tracking up-down. It sported a single button and he later developed the mouses shape. In 1973 the mouse was paired with the Alto (first graphical computer).
  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs
    Steve Jobs was an American computer programmer and entrepreneur, who together with Steve Wozniak are credited with revolutionizing the computer industry by democratizing technology and making machines compatible. He is also well known as the co founder of Apple Computers. Jobs studied at Mont Atoma Elementary school but hardly made friends and dropped out. He was deeply involved in electronics as a child and entered Homestead High School, but lost his interest later.
  • Steve Jobs (part 2)

    Steve Jobs (part 2)
    In 1971 Job was introduced to Steve Wozniak and they got along to their shared love of technology. They both attended the Homebrew computer club together and a hobbyist group produced the first computer with a typewriter like keyboard and the ability to connect to a TV as a screen. The computer was called Apple 1 and they founded the Apple company inc. They continued to develop it and the Apple 1, 2 and 3 was text-based machines. In 1997 Apple enter a partnership with Microsoft.
  • Tim Berners-Lee

    Tim Berners-Lee
    Tim Berners-Lee is an English computer scientist known as the inventor of World Wide Web (www). He studied at Sheen Mount Primary School and later went to London's Emanuel School. After graduation he attended at The Queen's College, Oxford where he received a degree in physics. He became an engineer at the telecommunications company Plessey in Poole and started to work as an independent contractor at Cern. While working at Cern he invented World Wide Web. The web was originally conceived...
  • Tim Berners-Lee (part 2)

    Tim Berners-Lee (part 2)
    ...and developed to meet demand for automated information-sharing between scientists in institutes and universities around the world. In 1989 he wrote his first proposal for WWW and the second one in 1990. By the end of 1990 Tim had the first web server and browser up and running at Cern, demonstrating his ideas. he developed the code for his web server on a NeXT computer and in 1991 he released his World Wide Web software. The Web gives access to reach different connected documents on internet.
  • Bill Gates (part 2)

    Bill Gates (part 2)
    Together with Allen, Bill Gates builded a computer program based on the Intel 8008 ship called TRAF-O-DATA that monitored traffic patterns in seance. They were inspired by an article in popular electronics magazine on the Altair 8800 a built-it-yourself kit microcomputer. They contacted the company and later they demonstrated a basic software program that could run the Altair computer. Microsoft was established in 1975. Microsoft then reached a deal to provide the MS-DOS operating system on...
  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates
    Bill Gates is an American computer programmer and entrepreneur who co founded Microsoft Corporation with his friend Paul Allen. Microsoft is the world's largest personal-computer software company. And by the time he also became one of the richest men in the world. He excelled at lakeside School and did very well in many subjects, he graduated with a score of 1590 out of 1600 on the SAT test. He then attended Harvard University, but dropped out 1975 in his junior year when finding Microsoft.
  • Bill Gates (part 3)

    ...the new IBM PC. Bill Gates sold the software for a fee of 50.000 pounds to IBM. In 1985 they took another risk and released the Microsoft Windows system. Troughout the years of develpoment, people started to complain that Microsoft Windows wasn't as good as the new Apple version, however he kept to work on it and won the operating system battle. Microsoft has since then continued to develop to programs such as Word and Excel.