Significant Technology Created

  • PS2

    Sony released the PS2. This invention by Ken Kutaragi, has allowed both males and females to play video games in a whole different aspect. It allowed those to connect with their friends while playing the game and allowed them to play together.
  • FaceBook

    The biggest photo-sharing network in the world! Created by Mark Zuckeburg. He created this app to allow those to still connect with each other, another source to find out news, etc.
  • Twitter

    To create this well known app, it took multiple inventors to get it up and running. Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Noah Glass, and Biz Stone. This app has allowed for people to create platforms, share thoughts/photos, and become a news source.
  • Apple Iphone

    Apple Iphone
    Apple released it's first smartphone to the world. This creation was invented by the well known Steve Jobs. This phone allowed us to communicate with others faster as well as surf the internet and more.
  • Ipad

    Created by well known Steve Jobs, this invention allowed for making web searching portable but on a bigger scale.