Significant Literary Experiences

  • Baby

    My first word was DA-DA
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    Was on the television show Romper Room. (Lots of repetition poems and songs.)
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    First day of Elementary School - Learned how to print and reading.
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    Second Grade

    Cursive writing and reading out loud in a toy microphone.
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    Fourth Grade

    Reading not only Chapter books, but book series.
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    5th Grade Spelling Bee

    Was finalist in state spelling bee.
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    Middle School

    Joined debate team - Lot of research, reading, and writing
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    High School

    My first paper my Senior year of high school. I never saw so much red writing all over my paper.
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    Personal Computer

    Got my first computer when I graduated high school for college. It keeps me very literate.
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    Adult Life

    I love to journal. I always write down my thoughts and anything on my mind.