Significant Inventions in Computer History

By danwalk
  • Microsoft Windows XP Released

    Microsoft Windows XP Released
    Windows XP was one of the most used operating systems of all time. Created by Microsoft and their found Bill Gates.
  • Android was Founded

    Android was Founded
    The company android was founded by Andy Rubin. Even today Android still has a huge relevance in the market with their phones across the world.
  • Facebook Launched

    Facebook Launched
    Originally known as Thefacebook it was released today by Mark Zuckerberg. Soon this website became one of the most popular social media cites on the internet.
  • First iPhone was Released

    First iPhone was Released
    The first iPhone was released today by apple. This was the first ever smartphone and changed the entire phone market upon it's release. Created by Apple and their founder Steve Jobs.
  • Creation of BitCoin

    Creation of BitCoin
    Bit was first introduced today as a alternative form of online currency. It was created by a person under the fake name of Satoshi Nakamoto. While it didn't gain it's popularity until much later this was the start of it all.