First discovery
European marines sailed into Australian waters and claimed Australia but not properly, they ruled all of Australia for more than 100 years!!! -
Period: to
The industrial revolution happened causing Australia to improve faster than a normal starting colony because they had the help from machinery -
British finally come
James cook and his crew find Australia and make a deal with the Europeans, they got land but they got abit less than half of Australia -
The landing
Captain Aurtur Phillip landed on Australia at Sydney Cove starting the first Australian colony -
Better communication
The colony started developing better and more communication and transportation and this helped Australia since they could get help from England much quicker -
Prisoners island
Van Diemen's Land/Tasmainia became a British penal colony giving then another place to store their convicts where they won't escape -
More colonies
The first stettlement in Queensland was made expanding Australia's population -
Becoming even bigger
Tasmainia got separated from NSW to become another colony and by doing so it expanded the population -
Period: to
Northern territory
The Northern Territory was apart of NSW -
Free settlers land
The Swan River colony was established and was planned to be land for the free settlers that came to Australia -
Claiming the other half
Britain claimed the whole of Australia after creating the colony known as Western Australia giving us even more room -
John Batman
A new colony was created/found by a man called John Batman and it was called Melbourne -
One more colony to add to the list
South Australia was established embracing more development -
The new centre of attention
Adelaide had become the centre of South Australia (at the end of 1836) -
Period: to
Large country towns were developing and becoming centres of prosperity giving the people places to stay -
Gold rush!!!!!
The first piece of gold was found which meant their was a new found wealth for New South Wales -
Creating more colonies
NSW became smaller after adding a colony called Victoria in their land -
Con of convict dependence
Western Australia was the only colony without their own parliament because of the dependence of convict labour -
Splitting apart
Queensland gained permission from the government to become a seperate colony from New South Wales -
The borders known today
All the colonial borders were complited and made the six colonies known today Western Australia,South Australia,Queensland,New South Wales,Victoria and Tasmania -
Period: to
Breaking apart/ moving the border lines
The Northern Territory became apart of South Australia -
Period: to
Development in Melbourne
Melbourne had became a booming and popular, this helped the development of Australia by the tourists giving the county money. -
Surviving depression
The agriculture and mining industries gave South Australia money to survive the depression -
Self government
More calls in Western Australia for self government were made and Britain finally agreed to the colony's new constitution -
Aboriginal welfare
Western Australia constition act happened which was ensuring that the 'Aboriginal welfare' remained the British Government's responsibility