Significant Events In My Life.

By Egglord
  • My First Halloween Costume.

    My First Halloween Costume.
    In 2005 I went to my first trick or treat on Halloween. My first Halloween costume was a bee costume. I looked very dumb and adorable.
  • Ostrich Farm

    Ostrich Farm
    I went to the ostrich farm and fed the ostriches, birds, goats, and chickens at the farm. I also got a empty ostrich egg as a souvenir.
  • Sea World.

    Sea World.
    My first time going to SeaWorld. It was quite a bit of fun. I pet a bunch of dolphins, stingrays, starfish, and small sharks. I also went a bunch of small kid rides though I have a hard time recalling what they're called.
  • California

    I went to California for the first time in my life. I went to a nice restaurant that served delicious drinks and food. Then I went to the beach and collected seashells and sand dollars.
  • Birthday

    I received a new phone on my birthday. It was my Iphone 6 and I was very happy to have a new phone that I could use along with my old one. I am very thankful for my mom buying these gifts for me.
  • My first day in Highschool

    My first day in Highschool
    When I first went to high school I was very nervous and uncertain on how to proceed. Once I got used to the school I started enjoying it more and more. My favorite math teacher was Mr. Bope.
  • Where I met my best friends.

    Where I met my best friends.
    I met my future two best friends online because of one of my friends introduced me to them. Since then I have been best friends with them. We play games on Xbox together, laugh, joke, play on computer, discord and just all around talk. I never regretted meeting them.
  • Christmas

    I got a computer for Christmas and I was extremely thankful and I appreciated my phone for spending money on a really good computer along with a mouse.
  • Disney land

    Disney land
    When we got to Disney land we rode on a couple of Roller coaster and Pirate's of the Caribbean ride. Then we got a hamburgers from a restaurant and a souvenir drink. We went to the manta ray ride as well as got churros. The last thing we did was watch the fireworks at night and epic shows on the wall about all the Disney movies made.
  • Homecoming

    I went to homecoming dressed nicely for once. I didn't really enjoy myself and only went because my sister wanted to go. I watched from afar and sat on the sides talking with my cousins who also went.