Significant events in media history

  • 100 BCE

    Paper is invented

    Paper is invented
    In china paper is invented and can be used to write history and messages on.
  • 1455

    Printing press invention

    Printing press invention
    Gutenberg invents the printing press in Germany and this is turn allows information to be spread much faster all throughout Europe.
  • Visual Photography

    Visual Photography
    Visual photography is invented so people may now have visual accounts. It is unclear what the first photograph ever taken was but it is suspected to be an image of the streets of Paris.
  • Morse code

    Morse code
    After receiving the news of his wires death too late , Samuel Morse invented a mode of communication that used certain dots and dashes to recreate the alphabet so that messages could be transferred all across the world in seconds.
  • First telephone

    First telephone
    Alexander Bell revolutionized technology by making the telephone. People could now talk across miles instantly.
  • Fist film

    Fist film
    Using a series of connected picture, The Lumiere brothers create the first film. People are frightened by its realism.
  • Radio Broadcasts

    Radio Broadcasts
    A few years after the first world war the radio is invented and people all across the country can tune in a get news. This marks the beginning of modern media.
  • Period: to

    Golden age of film

    With film and radio being easily available to everyone, movies become Americas #1 most popular activity. Because of this, the movie stars become huge celebrities.
  • Fist talking movie

    Fist talking movie
    "the jazz singer" is released using groundbreaking technology and are now able to capture sound. Silent film stars are now forgotten.
  • Television

    Families across are buying TV's. people are now able to get movies directly from their homes and other things such as visual news and tv shows.