Significant Computer Inventions of the 90's

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    Invented by Linus Torvalds, Linux was the first open-source operating system. Technically it isn't an operating system, but a "Kernel", which is a program that facilitates interactions between the user and computer hardware, similar to an OS. It is now one of the largest free software projects in the world and powers many of the machines we use daily, such as ATMs, Cash Registers, and Gas Pumps.
  • Text Messaging

    Text Messaging
    Neil Papworth, a 22-year-old software developer, was the first to invent and send an SMS text message. He sent it to one of his colleagues and it simply said, "Merry Christmas". One year later Nokia phones had used this technology and implemented a texting feature. Today, text-messaging is an integral part of the way we communicate with each other, and there are even apps that add additional ways for users to text each other, such as Snapchat and WhatsApp.
  • Amazon

    Invented in '94 by Jeff Bezos, Amazon started off as an online retailer for books. Due to its success, Amazon was able to expand into several markets, and dominate those markets. Today, Amazon is one of the main ways that people buy things from bookshelves to smart phones, even food items. Amazon even created the first AI that we put into our homes, the Alexa.
  • Windows 95

    Windows 95
    Created in 1995 by Microsoft (Which was founded by Bill Gates), Windows 95 was the most important iteration of windows. It popularized the look that most computer users would recognize even today and helped make windows the most popular and dominant Operating System for users across the world. It was also the first OS to utilize Internet Explorer, which was the dominant web browser for years.
  • Google

    Created by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google is the most easily recognizable web sites, and the most popular search engine to this day. The minimal design and ease of use are the main reasons google was so popular and remained popular. The google algorithm for searches was also much more sophisticated compared to other search engines, allowing for more relevant results to be found. Today Google as a company has expanded to several other markets, similar to Amazon, also founded in the 90's.