Significant Computer Inventions

  • First Camera Phone Introduced

    The company SoftBank creates the first camera phone, the J-Phone J-SH04. This would lead to other phones being created with cameras, and is still relevant to this day.
  • iTunes Released

    Apple released iTunes, which allowed for people to create, mix, and listen to music of their choice.
  • Blu-ray is Invented

    Unveiled by Sony, and was meant to be a replacement of DVD's and VHS tapes that were becoming outdated.
  • The Cloud

    While "the cloud" had already been invented by Joseph Carl in the 1960s, it really gained traction in 2006 when larger tech companies began using it to offer users storage of any files they pleased.
  • Mobile Web Gains Mass Popularity

    The mobile web is not one source that was invented by someone, but is a variety of companies like google, apple, etc. It is what we all use today to find apps, look up information, and many more uses.