Period: to
Sigmund Freud's life
Sigmund Freud is born
This was the day that Sigmund Freud was born in nowaday Pribor, Czech-republic. -
World Event: Dredd Scott decision
The supreme court rules that a slave is not a person -
World event: Civil war ends, Lincoln is shot
The civil war ends, Abraham Lincoln is shot and killed. -
World event: Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone
Alexander Graham Bell invents the worlds first telephone -
World event: Thomas A. Edison invents lightbulb
Thomas A. Edison invents a practical electrical light, the lightbulb. -
Sigmund graduates from the university of vienna
Sigmund Freud graduates from the University of Vienna and goes on to become a famous psycho-analyst. -
Sigmund Freud Starts his career in the vienna general hospital
Sigmund begins his work at the vienna general hospital. This is the beginning of his career in psycho-analysis. -
Anna Freud is born
Sigmund's daughter,Anna Freud, is born.She will go on to be a very succesful psycho-analyst like her father. -
Sigmund begins his salf analysis
Sigmund Freud begins to analyze his childhood. The fact that he did this was critical to his view on his analysis of childhood minds. his discoveries in his own childhood helped him to understand the human better -
Sigmund publishes his first book
Sigmund published his first book, this paved the way for all his future publications. -
the publication of Studies on Hysteria
The book, Studies on Hysteria, by Sigmund Freud and Joseph Breuer, is about how psychoanalysis can be used to treat many psychological issues. -
Sigmund publishes his book the interpretation of dreams
This book was revolutionary in the field of psycho-analysis. This book, as the title suggests,was about interpreting dreams. this was sigmund freuds most important written work. -
World event: The wright brothers fly the first airplane
The wright brothers build and fly the worlds first airplane. -
Sigmund begins the Veinna Psycho-analytical society
Sigmund Freud begins the vienna psycho-analytical society. This eventually caused the rise of psycho-analysis in Europe and in many counties, including the United States of America. -
Sigmund dies
Sigmund Freud dies in London, England after the annexation of Austria by Germany. -
World event: Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin
Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin.