Battle of Lexington and Comcord
This battle is mportant due to being the first offcial battle of the war. It is known as the shot heard around the world. The british win at Lexington but the colonies sent british back to America. -
Period: to
American Revolution
Capture of Fort Ticonderoga
Benedict Aronlad, Ethan Allen and the the Green mountain boys take the fort much needed supplies will be taken. The fort will be later re captued by the britsh -
Second Continental Congress
The Second continental congress wasa convention of delegates from 13 colonies that strated meeting in the summer of 1775, in Philadelphia Pennslvania soon after warefare in the Anerican Revoluationary War begun. -
Goerge Washington named commander- in- cheif
The continental congress comissioned george Wasington as Commander in cheif of the continental amry on June 19,1775. Washington was selected over the other candidate such as John Hancockbased of his previous military experinece and hope that leader from Virgina coukd help unit the colonies. -
Battle Of Bunker Hill
The battle of Bunker hill took place on June 17, 1775 mostly on and around breeds hiill during the siege of boston early in the American Revolutionary War. the battle is named after the adjacent Bunker Hill, which was reffered to as " The Battle of Bunker hill. -
American defeat at Quebec
The American defeated at Quebec was located on Quebec city Province of Quebec. In the ending results of it all British came home with a victory. It was a major defeat to the American which came with a heavy loss Richard Montgumary was killed, Benedict Aronlad wa wouned and more than 400 men were taken prisoner. -
British evecuate Boston
On March 17, 1776 Bristih forses to evalcuate Boston following Gerneral George Washongton successful placement of fortinfictions and cannons on Durchester Heigths, which overlooks the city from the south. -
Declaration of Independence
By issuing the Declaertion of Independence adopted by the Continental Conress on July 4 1776 the 13 American colonies served thier polital connections to Great British. The Delcaration summarisizes the colonies mountain for seeking thier independence. -
Battle of Long Island
The Battle of Long Island, also known as the battle of Brooklynn hieghts, fought on august 27,1776 was a mojor victory for the British and defeat for the Americans under General Geroge Washington. -
Briitish occupy New York city
In early July of 1776280 ships carrying 32,000 Bristh and hires Hessian troops assembled just off of staten Island, new york. it was the large force ever seen on the North American Continent -
Battle of Trenton
The Battle of Trenton took place on the morning of December 26, 1776 during the American Revolutionary War after Gerneral Geroge Washington crossing the Delaware river north of Trenton, New Jersey. -
Battle of Branywine
On september 1777 apporixmately thrity thousand British and American soldiers fought n the chadds ford area in whats known as the battle of the Brandywine. On that warm day musket and changed thelandscape and views of its inhabitantsfor year after -
British occupy Philadelphia
The Philadelphia campin (1777-1778) was a british initative in the American Revoluationary war to gain control of philadelphia , which was then the seat of second continental congress. -
Battle of saratoga
The Battle of Saratoga (Sept 19 & Oct 7, 1777) conclusively decided the fate of British General John Burgoyne's army in the American War of independece and are gerarlly regarded as a turning point i the war. -
Articles of Confederation adopted
After 16 months of debate the continental Congress sitting in its temporary capitak of york, pennslyvaina agrees to adopt the confederation and perpetual union on the day in 1777 -
Aliance with France
The treaty of Alliance with France was signed on Febuary 6, 1778 creating a military alliance between the United States and France against Great Britian -
Battle of Monmouth Court house
The battle of Monmouth was an American revoluatioary war of independece battle fought on June 28 1778, in Monmouth county, New Jersey -
Fall of Savannah
The Capture of Savannah was an American Revolutionary War battle fought on Decemember 29,1778 between local American Patroit militia and continental Army units holding the city and British invasion force inder the command of Lieutentenat Colonel Archilbald Campbell -
Winter at Valley Forge
Valley Forge in Pennslyvania was the site if the milatary camp of the American Continental army over the winter of 1777-1778 during the American Revolutationary War. It is apporoximstley 20 miles northwest. -
Spain enters the war
On this day in 1779, Spain declarces war on great britain,creating a de facto alliance with Americans. -
Siege of Charleston
After the Sieage that began on April 2 1780, Americans suffer their worst defeat of the Revolution on this day in 1780, with te unconditional surrender of Major General Sir Henry Clinton and his army of 10,000 at Charlestown South Carolina. -
Siege of Charleston
After a siege that began on April 2, 1780, Americans suffer their worst defeat of the revolution on this day in 1780. With the unconditional surrender of major Gen. Benjamin Licoln ti British Lieutenant Gen. Sie Henry Clinton and his army of 10,000 at charlestown, South Carolina. -
Benedict Arnold's treason discovered
Benedict Arnold was a general during hte American Revolutionary War who originally fought for the Americ Continental Army but defeated to british Army. -
French and British battle in Chesapeake Bay
The battle of the Chesapeake, also known as the battle of the virginia Capes or simply the battle in american war of independence that took place near the mouth of chesapeake Bay on 5 Sept. 1781 between a british fleet led by Reer Admiral Sir Thomas Graves a french led by Rear Admiral.
Francois Joesph Paul, the Comte de Grasse. -
Seige of Yorktown
The siege of yorktown, Battle of yourktown German Battle or surrender at yorktown the latter taking place on October 19, 1781, was a decisive by a command forces of American Continental Army troops led by General George Washington and French army troops led by the comte de Rochhambeau over a british command by british lord and lieutenant General Lord Wallis -
Cornwallis Surrenders
October 19, 1781, British Charles Cornwallis formally surrenders 8,000 british soldiers and seamen to a French and American force at Yorktown, Virginia, bringing the American Revolution to a close.