World War II - Sienna Leone

  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    Germany invades Poland without declaring war. Their attack style "blitzkrieg" involved bombing the target area before invading it. Poland said that they didn’t want Soviet troops to help even to defend them against Germany before they were invaded. Germany signed a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union for fear that they could come to Poland’s aid if they were to invade them. This shows that Germany was willing to cause major conflict which resulted in a domino effect of loss.
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    World War II

  • Italy declares war on the Allies

    Italy declares war on the Allies
    Exactly one day after becoming an ally of Germany, Italy declares war against the Allies, who do the same. World War II officially starts once most countries join under tension originally started by Germany. Most remaining conflicts from World War I are expected to be solved in this second war.
  • Germany invades the Soviet Union without declaring war

    Germany invades the Soviet Union without declaring war
    Germany also invades the Soviet Union without declaring war. Their invasion “Operation Barbarossa” is still considered one of the largest military operations in history. This is a major turning point in World War II considering that Germany had originally agreed not to harm the Soviet Union if they let them invade Poland.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    Japanese aircraft bomb the main United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This was because they broke the Japanese diplomatic code. Eighteen US ships (including all eight battleships) were either sank or damaged by the Japanese. They also destroyed their planes in order to limit their means of defense and leave them vulnerable. This is one thing that pushed the US to bomb Nagasaki and Hiroshima, meaning that it also led to the creation of the atomic bomb.
  • Battle of Bismarck Sea

    Battle of Bismarck Sea
    Japan was already suffering from severe losses of around 12,350 people, Guadalcanal, and Papua by the time of the Battle of Bismarck Sea. They then lost six of seven thousand troops, four destroyers, and eight transports while fighting the US for control of New Guinea. When the Americans won, they forced the Japanese to “re-enforce its troops by submarine.” This is a turning point in which Japan’s power and security begins to decrease at a quick rate.
  • D-Day

    Great Britain, Canada, France, and the United States attack German forces in Normandy, France. This is otherwise known as the infamous D-Day. Thousands of troops, ships, and aircraft were sent behind enemy lines. Inhumane numbers of soldiers were killed. D-Day is a major event, considering that it is the greatest invasion and “one of the bloodiest days in American history.”
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    The Battle of the Bulge begins. German forces originally had a surprise advantage to the US, but soon fell behind due to colossal troop and tank losses. The United States also lost many of their soldiers. “The Battle of the Bulge probably hastened the end of the European war by ruining the fighting elite of the German army and Waffen-SS in Army Group West.” (Gale; Battle of the Bulge).
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    The battle of Okinawa begins. The Allies gather an abundant invasion force similar to the amount used in D-Day. This battle resulted in over 200,000 deaths. These are considered to be the worst losses of the Pacific War. Now, Japan’s postwar constitution “forbids the country from building up its own military.” (Rogers Media; The battle for Okinawa: tensions rise over the massive U.S. military presence in Japan). Japan now only trains troops for defense and to maintain peace.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima

    Bombing of Hiroshima
    The United States drops an atomic bomb in Hiroshima This was because Japan refused to surrender to the US. About 195,000 people were killed immediately, and over the next five years many more died due to eventual radiation poisoning. Even after this tragic event, Japan still refused to accept the Allies’ surrender terms. The creation of these atomic bombs themselves were the start of too much power being put into the hands of high ranking officials.
  • Bombing of Nagasaki

    Bombing of Nagasaki
    The United States drops another atomic bomb in Japan on Nagasaki. 40,000 people immediately die. Eventually, Japan is forced to surrender, not wanting any more lives to be lost. This was decided by their Emperor at the time. This indicates Japan’s slow but sure defeat.