• 3 BCE

    big bang

    big bang
    the beggining of the universe
  • galileo galilei observes the moon

    galileo galilei observes the moon
    . Galileo found that the Moon had mountains, valleys, and plains like the Earth. He called the dark regions of the Moon maria, the Latin word for seas.
  • galileo galilei uses telescope

    galileo galilei uses telescope
    Galileo uses telescope for astronomical observations. Galileo didn't invent the telescope but he was among the first to use a telescope to examine the heavens. He carried out important observations of the Sun, Moon, Planets, and Stars.
  • kepler discovers laws of planetary motion

    kepler discovers laws of planetary motion
    . Working with Tycho's observations, Kepler discovers the shapes of planetary orbits, how the speed of a planet varies as it orbits the Sun, 5.-and the relationship between orbital distance and orbital period.
  • concept of internal motion

    concept of internal motion
    . Descartes believed that all motion resulted from collision with particles called "corpuscles". In the absence of such collisions, a body remains at rest. An object in motion continues to move in the same direction at the same speed.
  • central forces lead orbital motion

    central forces  lead orbital motion
    ---Robert Hooke shows that a central force leads to orbital motion. Hooke used a pendulum to demonstrate to the members of the Royal Society that in order to stay in orbit, the planets must be continually pulled toward the Sun.
  • laws of gravitation

    laws of gravitation
    Newton discovers law of universal gravitation. When Cambridge University was closed by the plague, Newton spent most of the next two years at his family farm. During this period he made fundamental discoveries in optics, discovered the law of universal gravitation, and invented differential and integral calculus.
  • distances of stars

    distances of stars
    James Gregory makes the first realistic estimate of the distances of the stars. Gregory assumed that the other stars were just as bright as the Sun and then calculated how distant they had to be to match their apparent brightnesses
  • light consists of waves

    light consists of waves
    Christian Huygens proposes that light consists of waves. Huygens's ideas were disputed by Newton, who proposed that light was mae up of a stream of particles
  • stars move through space

    stars move through space
    Edmund Halley discovers stars move through space. Halley found that the positions of stars change with time. He explained the changes in position as due to the individual motions of stars through space
  • aberration of starlight

    aberration of starlight
    James Bradley discovers the aberration of starlight. Bradley found that the positions of all the stars shift back and forth as part of an annual cycle caused by the motion of the Earth about the Sun.
  • uranus

    William Herschel discovers Uranus. While measuring the directions and brightnesses of stars, Herschel found a fuzzy spot that moved among the stars. This was Uranus, the first planet that was not known to the ancients.
  • sun´s motion

    sun´s motion
    William Herschel discovers speed and direction of Sun's motion. Herschel analyzed the motions of seven bright stars and showed that part of their motions was due to the motion of the Sun through space.
  • map of milkyway

    map of milkyway
    William Herschel uses star counts to map Milky Way. Herschel assumed that the galaxy extended farther in directions in which he could see more stars. He found the galaxy to be flattened with the Sun near the middle.
  • deposits of ice in mars

    deposits of ice in mars
    Observations from a spacecraft orbiting Mars suggest large deposits of ice may lie below the Martian surface.
  • expedition to mars

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