Shogunate timeline

By Me <3
  • 1185

    Kamakura Period (1185-1333)

    The Kamakura period was the first period ruled by the shogunate's. They were a part of the Minamoto clan and ruled until 1333 when they were taken over by the Ashikaga's
  • 1192

    Minamoto no Yoritomo is Shogunate 1192-1199

    Yoritomo was the first shogun of the Kamakura shogunate of Japan and founded Bakufu, feudal Lords who governed over Japan for seven centuries.
  • 1202

    Minamoto no Yorie becomes the new shogun 1202-1203

    Yorie Minamoto became the next shogunate after his father died, but subsequently died after being attacked by the Hojo clan in Shuzen-ji Temple in the izu province during 1203