
Shogunate Timeline

  • Period: 1192 to 1333

    Kamakura period

    This time peiod was a gaint transformation in the politics, socioty and cultre of Japan. During the kamakura period, a gradual shift was made from power coming from nabilty to power coming from landowning military men in the provences.
  • 1274

    The first Mongol Invasion

    The khan assmebled a fleet of roughly 800 ships and left korea and set sail to Japan in the year 1274 with an army of about 18, 000 men, this being mongols, chinese and korean.
  • 1285

    Second Mongol invasion

    This mongol invasion, like the last failed, due to a typhoon occuring at a similar time.
  • 1333

    Nitta Yoshisada attacks and destroys Kamakura, capital of Japan's Kamakura Shogunate

  • Period: 1336 to 1573

    Muromachi period

    The muromachin period was a time of prosperity, though to be an outcome of zen budhism.
  • 1338

    Ashikiaga Takauji Declares himslef as the showgun.

    As the tile suggest, Ashikiaga Takauji dubbed himself as the showgun.
  • Period: 1467 to

    The waring states period (Sengoku)

    This period in japanese history was a time of wich had constant battles and constant disrupt. The provencis often fought and boarders were constantly changing, until three warlords unified Japan. It was instagated by the Ōnin War.
  • 1543

    First Portugese Traders

    First Portugese Traders
    Three Portuguese merchants landed on Tanegashima Island after thier boat was blown off course.
  • Period: to

    tokugawa (Edo period)

    Edo, Meaning eastren capital (Current day tokyo) was a place where the new (far stricter) goverment, seperate from the empror, now relocated to kyoto, could rule the japanese people. In edo, the tokugawa shogans lived in "Edo Castle".
  • Christianity is banned.

    The relegion of christianity is banned within the boarders of japan. They did this as christianity could be a threat to the order that japan had just gained.
  • Sakoku (Closing of trade)

    Sakoku (Closing of trade)
    The idea behind this ruling was to remove relgeous and colonial controll of the country. This implementation meant that most people of japan could not leave and many poeple that were not from japan could not enter.
  • Kano, School of arts opens

    A prestegios school, defined by its teachings of traditonal japanese art opens.