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Shogunate Timeline

  • Period: 1183 to 1333

    Kamakura Period

    The Kamakura period was the time period in Japan when there was a progressive change in the nobility and landowning men in and around the provinces.
  • 1184

    The start of it all

    The start of it all
    This is when Minamoto no Yoritomo had won the Genpei war and had dubbed himself Emperor
  • 1184

    The start of it all

    The start of it all
    This is when the Kamakura shogunate was created when Minamoto no Yoritomo had won the Genpei war and he had dubbed himself as Shogunate
  • 1185

    The Tairia clan was defeated

    The Tairia clan was defeated
    In 1185, the Tairia clan (A rival clan of the Minamoto clan) was defeated in the sea battle, Battle of Dan-no-ura.
  • 1207

    Honen and his followers are exiled and executed

    Honen and his followers are exiled and executed
    Honen was a religious former and founder of the first-ever independent, Japanese Pure Land Buddhism. He and his followers weren't remarkably liked and were exiled (removed) from their land and sent to be executed (killed). Two days before his death, Honen wrote a one-page document describing/ summarising his religious school for future generations.
  • 1333

    The end of the Era

    The end of the Era
    In 1333, the Samurai Nitta Yoshisada conquers Kamakura during the Seige of Kamakura which resulted in the Kamakura shogunate getting killed and the Kamakura Era coming to an end.
  • 1333

    An Overthrow of Power

    An Overthrow of Power
    This was when the Kenmu Restoration had overthrown the Emperor and re-established the imperial rule until Ashikaga and his children overthrew them.
  • 1333

    An overthrow of the Shogunate

    An overthrow of the Shogunate
    This is when the Kenmu Restoration took over and re-established the imperial rule until Ashikaga Takauji and his children overthrew them.
  • 1336

    Naming of the Maromachi period

    Naming of the Maromachi period
    The naming of the Muromachi period was based on the district where their headquarters was placed.
  • 1336

    Japan is still under the influence of Zen Buddhism.

    Japan is still under the influence of Zen Buddhism.
    1336 Onwards. This is because when the Ashikaga Shogunate took over, the Japanese were still under the influence of Buddhism.
  • Period: 1336 to 1573

    Maromachi Period

  • 1338

    A new Emperor

    A new Emperor
    This is when Ashikaga Takauji declared himself as Shogunate and moved the capital to Muromachi, Kyoto.
  • 1570

    Another War

    Another War
    This is the time of the Okehazama and it went on for 2 months with the Oda clan winning
  • 1573

    Another Overthrow of Government

    Another Overthrow of Government
    Oda Nobunaga had overthrown the Muromachi Bakufu and extended his control nationally.
  • New Captial

    New Captial
    This was the time in the Tokugawa Period when Shogunate Tokugawa, established the capital, Edo. This is what we call Tokyo today, the nation's Capital.
  • Period: to

    Tokugawa Period

  • The Battle of Osaka

    The Battle of Osaka
    This is the time when Tokugawa Ieyasu had crowded around Osaka Castle and is forced loyal to the royal Toyotomi family and the Tokugawa family authority becomes important in Japan
  • A New Battle

    A New Battle
    This is when the Ieyasu defeated the Toyotomi clan, which gave them reliable power over all of Japan's islands.
  • Banned from abroad

    Banned from abroad
    This was the decade that was the time when the shogunate would ban the Japanese people from travelling outside the country, abroad.
  • The last of the Tokugawa family

    The last of the Tokugawa family
    This is during the life of the 15th Tokugawa Shogunate and when he resigned, the Tokugawa dynasty ended. Emperor Meiji is restored.