Shogunate Japan Timeline

  • Period: 710 to 794


    Reign of Empress Gemmei in Japan
    The Japanese capital is moved from Fujiwara-Kyo to Nara
    The Buddhist Kofukuji temple is established at Nara
  • Period: 794 to 1185


    Emperor Kanmu moves the capital to Nagaoka-kyo
    The Buddhist monk Saicho introduces the Tendai school
    Monk introduces a Shingon school
  • Period: 1192 to 1333


    The Genpei War in Japan between the Taira and Minamoto clans.
    Emperor Go-Toba reigns in Japan
    Battle of Dannoura where the Minamoto defeat the rival Taira
  • Period: 1336 to 1573


    Nitta Yoshisada attacks and destroys Kamakura
  • Period: to


    250 years of peace and prosperity in Japan
    rise of a new merchant class and increasing urbanization