Shogunate Japan Timeline

By 009025
  • 1050

    The first samuris

    The first samuris
    In the year 1050AD the first samurai emerged in Japan.
  • Period: 1050 to

    Shogunate Japan Era (1050AD to 1868AD)

    This timeline contains various events that occurred during the Shogunate Japan era.
  • 1052

    Fujiwara Yorimichi builds the Byodo-in Temple

    Fujiwara Yorimichi builds the Byodo-in Temple
    In the year 1052AD Fujiwara Yorimichi built a temple known as the Byodo-in Temple
  • 1156

    The Hōgen rebellion

    The Hōgen rebellion
    In the year 1156AD a short civil war known as the Hōgen rebellion occurred. The war was fought between men in the same clan who split into two sides, on the one side was Fujiwara Tadamichi,Taira Kiyomori and Minamoto no Yoshitomo and on the other side was Fujiwara Yorinaga and Minamoto Tameyoshi.
  • 1160

    The Heiji rebellion

    The Heiji rebellion
    In the year 1160AD a war known as The Heiji rebellion occurred. This was a short civil war between rival subjects of the Emperor Go-Shirakawa. Unlike the Hōgen rebellion,this struggle for power was fought between two rival clans.
  • 1185

    The Genpei War (End of the Heian Period)

    The Genpei War (End of the Heian Period)
    In the year 1185 AD the Taira Clan was defeated by the Minamoto Clan in a war known as the Genpei war or Genpei Gassen. After the defeat of the Taira Clan the Heian period officially ended.
  • 1192

    The Kamakura Shogunate Establishment

    The Kamakura Shogunate Establishment
    In the year 1192AD Minamoto Yoritomo established The beginning of the Kamakura Shogunate in the city of Kamakura. Minamoto Yoritomo was the first Shogun of the Kamakura Period.
  • 1193

    The Assassination of Minamoto Noriyori

    The Assassination of Minamoto  Noriyori
    In the year 1193AD Minamoto Yoritomo ordered the assassination of his brother Minamoto Noriyori due to suspicions of conspiracy.
  • 1199

    The Kamakura bakufu’s first Shogun dies

    The Kamakura bakufu’s first Shogun dies
    In the year 1199AD The first Shogun of the Kamakura Period Minamoto Yoritomo died.
  • 1274

    The mongol’s first attempt to invade Japan (The Bunei War)

    The mongol’s first attempt to invade Japan (The Bunei War)
    In the year 1274AD the Mongols attempted to invade Japan for the first time this was known as the Bunei War. The Mongols’ attempt was unsuccessful due to bad weather (a big storm) which most Japanese regarded to be a “divine wind”
  • 1281

    The Mongols’ second attempt to invade Japan

    The Mongols’ second attempt to invade Japan
    In the year 1281AD the Mongols attempted to invade Japan yet again but were unsuccessful due to another bad storm. After failing to invade Japan for a second time the Mongols never attempted to launch further invasions on Japan
  • 1333

    The end of Kamakura period

    The end of Kamakura period
    In the year 1334AD the Kamakura Shogunate was destroyed by Nitta Yoshisada. This ended the Kamakura period.
  • 1334

    The Kemmu Restoration

    The Kemmu Restoration
    In the year 1334AD the 96th Emperor of Japan Go-Daigo regained political power for about two years.
  • 1336

    Ashikaga Takauji captures Kyoto

    Ashikaga Takauji captures Kyoto
    In the year 1336AD Ashikaga Takauji captured the city of Kyoto and ended the current emperor (Go-Daigo’s) attempt to restore imperial rule.
  • 1337

    Go-Daigo flees to Kyushu

    Go-Daigo flees to Kyushu
    In the year 1337 Go-Daigo fled to Kyushu after Ashikaga Takauji captured the city of Kyoto and prevented the restoration of imperial rule.
  • 1338

    The Establishment of Muromachi/Ashikaga Shogunate

    The Establishment of Muromachi/Ashikaga Shogunate
    In the year 1338AD Ashikaga Takauji became the first Muromachi/Ashikaga Shogun. Ashikaga Takauji was the establisher of the Muromachi/Ashikaga Shogunate.
  • 1450

    Hosokawa Katsumoto builds Ryoanji

    Hosokawa Katsumoto builds Ryoanji
    In the year 1450AD Hosokawa Katsumoto built a zen temple in Kyoto known as Ryoanji.
  • 1467

    The Onin War

    The Onin War
    In the year 1467AD the Onin War began. This War was a civil war between Yamana Sozen and Hosokawa Katsumoto which involved a large amount of daimyos and samurais in many parts of Japan
  • 1477

    The Onin War ends

    The Onin War ends
    In the year 1477AD the Onin War ended.
  • 1542

    Portuguese traders introduce firearms

    Portuguese traders introduce firearms
    In the year 1542AD Portuguese traders introduced firearms to Japan. After the introduction,firearms were mass produced locally during periods of conflict in the late 16th century.
  • 1546

    Ashikaga Yoshiteru becomes Shogun

    Ashikaga Yoshiteru becomes Shogun
    In the year 1546AD Ashikaga Yoshiteru became the next Shogun of the Ashikaga Shogunate.
  • 1549

    Francis Xavier introduces Christianity to Japan

    Francis Xavier introduces Christianity to Japan
    In the year 1549AD Saint Francis Xavier arrived in kyushu and introduced Christianity to Japan.
  • 1555

    The battle of Miyajima

    The battle of Miyajima
    In the year 1555AD a civil war occurred,this war was known as the battle of Miyajima. The battle took place on the island of Miyajima.
  • 1560

    The battle of Okehazama

    The battle of Okehazama
    In the year 1560AD Oda Nobunaga defeated Imagawa Yoshimoto in a battle known as the battle of Okehazama.
  • 1568

    Oda Nobunaga occupies Kyoto

    Oda Nobunaga occupies Kyoto
    In the year 1568AD Oda Nobunaga occupied Kyoto and permitted Christianity in Japan.
  • 1568

    The beginning of Azuchi Momoyama period

    The beginning of Azuchi Momoyama period
    The year 1568AD marked the beginning of the Azuchi Monoyama period.
  • 1570

    The battle of Anegawa

    The battle of Anegawa
    In the year 1570AD Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa leyasu joined forces and defeated the Azai and Asakura Clans.
  • 1573

    The End of the Muromachi Bakufu

    The End of the Muromachi Bakufu
    The year 1573AD marked the end of the Muromachi bakufu.
  • 1575

    The Battle of Nagashino

    The Battle of Nagashino
    In the year 1575AD a major battle was fought by several commanders and leaders. One one side was Takeda Katsuyori,Anayama Nobukimi,Takeda Nobukado and Takeda Nobutoyo and on the other side was Oda Nobunaga,Tokugawa leyasu and Okudaira Sadamasa.
  • 1582

    Oda Nobutada dies

    Oda Nobutada dies
    In the year 1582AD Oda Nobutada (the son of Oda Nobunaga) was also attacked by Akechi Mitsuhide which also resulted in the suicide of Oda Nobutada.
  • 1582

    The Battle of Yamazaki

    The Battle of Yamazaki
    In the year 1582AD Toyotomi Hideyoshi formed an alliance with the Mori clan to defeat Akechi Mitsuhide in order to avenge his master Oda Nobunaga.
  • 1582

    Oda Nobunaga dies

    Oda Nobunaga dies
    In the year 1582AD Oda Nobunaga was forced to commit suicide due to the betrayal of one of his former allies Akechi Mitsuhide turned on him.
  • The Battle of Komaki

    The Battle of Komaki
    In the year 1584AD the first battle between Hashiba Hideyoshi, Tokugawa leyasu and Oda Nobukatsu took place, this was known as the battle of Komaki.
  • The battle of Nagakute

    The battle of Nagakute
    In the year 1584AD the second battle between Hashiba Hideyoshi,Oda Nobukatsu and Tokugawa leyasu took place this battle was known as the battle of Nagakute.
  • Toyotomi Hideyoshi builds Osaka castle

    Toyotomi Hideyoshi builds Osaka castle
    In the year 1586AD Toyotomi Hideyoshi built a famous Japanese castle known as Osaka Castle.
  • Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s Korean invasion

    Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s Korean invasion
    In the year 1592AD Toyotomi Hideyoshi attempted to invade Korea for the first time but was unsuccessful.
  • Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s second Korean invasion

    Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s second Korean invasion
    In the year 1597 Toyotomi Hideyoshi attempted to invade Korea for the second time but was unsuccessful yet again.
  • Toyotomi Hideyoshi dies

    Toyotomi Hideyoshi dies
    In the year 1598AD Toyotomi died.
  • The Battle of Sekigahara

    The Battle of Sekigahara
    In the year 1600AD a battle known as the Battle of Sekigahara took place. In this battle Tokugawa leyasu was victorious and established the Tokugawa bakufu,this ended the Azuchi Momoyama period.
  • The Beginning of Edo period

    The Beginning of Edo period
    The year 1602AD marked the beginning of the edo period. Tokugawa also become the first Shogun of the Edo period.
  • Tokugawa leyasu bans Christianity in Japan

    Tokugawa leyasu bans Christianity in Japan
    In the year 1614AD Tokugawa leyasu banned Christianity in Japan,this lead to churches in Japan being destroyed an missionaries were imprisoned.
  • Tokugawa leyasu defeats the Toyotomo clan

    Tokugawa leyasu defeats the Toyotomo clan
    In the year 1615AD Tokugawa leyasu defeated the Toyotomo clan in Osaka castle.
  • Death of Tokugawa leyasu

    Death of Tokugawa leyasu
    In the year 1616 Tokugawa leyasu died.
  • Tokugawa lemitsu becomes Shogun

    Tokugawa lemitsu becomes Shogun
    In the year 1623AD Tokugawa lemitsu became the Shogun.
  • Tokugawa lemitsu bans the Portuguese traders

    Tokugawa lemitsu bans the Portuguese traders
    In the year 1638AD Tokugawa lemitsu banned Portuguese traders from entering Japan and selling items within Japan.
  • Tokugawa lemitsu bans all foreigners

    Tokugawa lemitsu bans all foreigners
    In the year 1641AD Tokugawa lemitsu banned all foreigners from entering Japan,apart from the Chinese and the Dutch who were restricted to one part of Japan known as Deshima.
  • The 47 Ronins incident

    The 47 Ronins incident
    In the year 1701AD a daimyo was killed by 47 ronins that were avenging their master daimyo.
  • A Russian envoy arrives in Japan

    A Russian envoy arrives in Japan
    In the year 1792AD a Russian envoy known as Adam Laxman arrived in Japan. Adam Laxman was part of a Japanese expedition at the time.
  • The Russians attempt to establish trade relations with Japan

    The Russians attempt to establish trade relations with Japan
    In the year 1804AD the Russian’s attempted to establish trade relations with Japan but ultimately failed.
  • Matthew Perry arrives in Japan

    Matthew Perry arrives in Japan
    In the year 1854AD the USA commander Matthew Perry arrived in Edo to sign a trade agreement.
  • The first Japanese embassy opens in USA

    The first Japanese embassy opens in USA
    In the year 1860AD the first Japanese embassy was opened in the United States.
  • The Meiji Restoration

    The Meiji Restoration
    In the year 1868AD Tokugawa Yoshinobu resigned and the emperor regained power. This also marked the end of the Edo period and the beginning of the Meiji period