Shogunate Japan Timeline

  • 1180

    The Genpei War in Japan between the Taira and Minamoto clans

  • 1183

    Emperor Go-Toba reigns in Japan

  • 1185

    The Kamakura period in Japan

  • 1195

    The Todaiji temple at Nara, Japan, is restored by the Minamoto clan

  • 1225

    The position of vice-regent to the shogun (rensho) is created in Japan

  • 1246

    Reign of Japan's Emperor Go-Fukakusa

  • 1318

    Go-Daigo reigns as emperor of Japan.

  • 1336

    The Kemmu Restoration when the Japanese emperor Go-Daigo uses rebel warlords to oust the Kamakura Shogunate

  • 1336

    Ashikaga Takauji captures Heiankyo (Kyoto)

  • 1337

    Japan has two competing emperors: the 'Northern and Southern Courts

  • 1420

    Life of the celebrated Zen-priest and artist Sesshu