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Shogunate Japan

By burnsl
  • Period: 710 to 794

    Nara period

    The first official capital of Japan is based in the city of Nara; the imperial family - led by a series of emperors or empresses - rules over Japan during this time.
  • Period: 794 to 1185

    Heian period

    Under orders form emperor Kammu, the capital of Japan moves to the city of Heian-Kyo (modern-day Kyoto). It remains the official capital of Japan for the net 1000 years.
  • Period: 1185 to 1333

    Kamakura period

    The minamoto clan seizes power from the emperor. Minamoto no Yoritomo becomes shogun and establishes his own capital city in Kamakura. With support from daimyo (Lords) and samurai (Warriors), a series of shoguns rules Japan for the next 700 years.
  • 1274

    1st Mongol Army attack

    The mongol army launches an attack on Japan, landing on the island of Kyushu. A typhoon destroys many of their ships and the mission fails.
  • 1281

    2nd mongol army attack

    The Mongol Army launches a second attack on Japan, landing once again on the island of Kyushu. For the second time a typhoon hits, destroying almost all Mongol ships, and the invasion fails.
  • 1333

    Emperor Go-Diago

    Emperor Go-Diago overthrows the Kamakura shogunate and takes back power from the shogun for a brief period.
  • Period: 1336 to 1573

    Muromachi period

    Ashikaga Takauji seizes power from Emperor Go-Diago to become the new Shogun.
  • 1467

    Warring states civil war

    A period of civil war, known as the warring states period, begins in Japan between rival warlords. It lasts for around 100 years
  • Period: 1573 to

    Azuchi-Momoyama period