
Shirley's timeline

  • Brennan McDougall is born

    my newphew brennan mcdougall was born november 25th 1996
  • Shirley -Anne Bruce is born

    I was born in Selkirk manitoba, at Selkirk General Hospital weighing 6lb &1 oz. I was 34 weeks ( a little premature) and I was named after my aunty Shirley, but my mom added the "anne" after "shirley".
  • Period: to

    time span

  • my 3rd birhday

    I get alot of new dollies and everyone is very excited to see me, my mom does my hair in piggy tails and snaps a lot of pictures.I have an ice cream cake.I am fairly young and this birthday i can actually remember a little.
  • Shirley's 4th birthday

    My 3rd brithday I can remember, Family was over and i got my very first doll.
  • My sister Serena is Born

    Got to meet my new baby sister Serena for the very first time, i was three years old.Were three years apart. Saint boniface hospital,February 29th 2000
  • First Day of preschool

    Me and my newphew brennan both got into preschool on sepetember 5th 2000, the preschool was in sainte anne , my hometown and near my house,I rememeber brennans mom would drive me and him hom almost everyday.This is where i met all my friends.
  • My first holloween

    My mom dressed me up as a little pumpkin one of my sister held me , or my hand,Before we left home my mom snapped a million pictures of us .I looked pretty cute.
  • my 5th birthday

    I remember this day because i remember my mom had me the second youngest on the couch with my older sister brittaney and serena in her arms,She was pretty adorable.
  • my 6th birthday

  • Period: to

    Ecole Sainte-Anne Immersion

    The school I was attending from kindergarten to grade seven.
  • my 7th brithday

    I invited some of my friends to my first birthday party, i had a pinata and black forest cake, with ice cream on the side.
  • my 7th birthday

    got lots of toys, bratz mostly.Big cherry birthday cake.Whole family was there
  • my 8th birthhday

  • my 9th brithday

  • my 10th birthday

    My nephew and me play outside in the snow and celebrate my birthday with my family , again i have a my favourite black forest cake.I got lots of toys, and a walkman and some CD's.
  • my 11th birthday

  • shirleys 12th birthday

    I remember i for supper i had chicken wings , buffalo hot , mild and hnoney and garlic with taters and roasted vegetables, and for dessert i had a delicious ice cream cake:) I dont remmeber my presents but i know i got a lot
  • Period: to

    Ecole Pointe des Chenes (new school)

    New school i started in grade eight , i'm in grade 11 now.
  • September 9th 2009 FIRST DAY

    First day at my new school Ecole Pointe des Chenes located in Sainte Anne which is a hour away from Winnipeg.Small little community with great people, police etc..
  • Shirleys 13th brithday

  • Shirleys 14th birthday

  • shirleys 15th birthday

  • interview rour of ATC

    got to see the whole ATC school :) and the kitchen, classroom , and Chef ferrence was hilarious , didnt reallly get to meet Chef Jermey Bender but he was busy.
  • Shirleys 16th birthday

    Big celebration with family and friends, got new ipod cases , went to see a scary movie, got tons of art books, pencils, paper.New clothes, money , CD;s.Had a great time.Helped my mom with my birthday supper also, i love chicken so we had chicken, mashed patatoes and veggies.
  • Juliette Marie Mcdougall

    My brother and his wife have thier first baby.A healthy baby girl weighing a little over 6 lbs. She has beautiful big blue eyes like her mother and daddy. When I got to meet her her I thought to myself she was very lively because her eyes were so awake and big .She's a little treasure and I promised i'll be a great Aunty.
  • ATC First Day

    got into ATc and appyled for the course : Culinary Arts :) LOving everything about it
  • i made this timeline

    its interesting, and i dont really know how to work it, but i'm learning,.