The wreck of the Speedy
The Speedy was on its way to Newcastle when it got caught in a storm and sank. -
The wreck of the Scourge and the Hamilton
The Scourge and the Hamiltom were both originally merchant ships. But when the British need warships, they converted the Sourge and the Hamilton into warships, with cannons and such. However, they sank because they were not built to sustain such weight, so the capzied. -
The first sighting of the Ontairo lake monster
The Laker Monster was sighted in July 1817 about three miles off the Canadian lakeshore. It was said to be 30 to 40 feet long and 1 foot in diameter. -
First sighting of Bessie
Bessie was first seen in July 1817. Claimed to hve been 20 feet long and 20 inches in diameter, -
Wreck of the Lady Elgin
The Lady Elgin was delayed due to the number of visitors on board, partying. Captin Wilson couldn't wait any longer for the visters to get off. However, the Augusta, bound for Chicago, crashed into the Lady Elgin, causing her to flood. -
The Waubuno
The Wabuno left Collingwood dock bound for Parry Sound. A blizzard fell while she was near moose point. Whatever disaster that had caused th Wabuno to sink had to have happened almost immedietly. -
The Bannockburn
The Bannochburn was bound for Midland when she sank. People belive that her boiler exploded, causinf her to sink almost immedietly. -
Wreck of the Monarch
The Monarch was sailing from Port Arthur to Sault ste. Marie. On their way, her hull ripped open, leaving them stranded on Isle Royale. -
The Success Burned down
The Success was originally a merchant ship. But when England ran out of room for prisoners, the Success was drafted to become a prision ship. But during the Australian gold rush, the Success was sold to the colonial goernment as a prison ship. -
The Edmund Fitzgerald
The Edmund Fitzgerald could be called the first Titanic. The largest, and supposedly unsinkable, she set off with 26,116 tons of iron. On her way to Zug Island, a storm with humongus waves, crashed onto the Fitzgerald. And then gone, under a 50 foot wave, was the Edmund Fitsgerald.